School has started!

by - 10:20:00

((gifs not mine))
Hey!! A very very quick post here! So school has officially started and I am still tryna get rid of all the holiday vibes and to prioritise stuff now.
It's gonna be the weekend soon and I really can't wait. Since it's only the first week of school, it isn't really too hectic yet cause there was only lectures and no tutorials, so whew.
But yeah, back to all the group projects, assignments and exams. Talk about life of a student here in Singapore.
I am typing this out cause I've got no lesson today so I get to stay home! Yay. This semester is so different from 1.1, school either end at 1pm or 7pm for me for the whole week.
Okay, enough about school. So I started on The Walking Dead Season 6 and it has been awesome so far! I just watched episode 2 and the suspense is killing me.
Oh and I also started Supernatural Season 11! WOOHOO. #hotwinchesters.
You must be like, "didn't you start school already? So free to watch show meh?" Haha, well I'm a little free for only this week only I guess. Next week onwards, I'd probably be like ripping my hair off because of all the assignments and project stuff. UGH.
Oh and I've also started going back to reading books! Yes, I do read lol. Right now I'm reading a fantasy/romance/mythical book, I would say I love these type of books. Yeah, the vampire/wolves/fairies stuff. LOL.
Before I forget, I might be doing a post on BB creams by Etude House cause right now they are having an event for their 1 year anniversary opening of their flagship store at Wisma, and its where we could go online and play a game and we could win some prizes!
Being a major fan, I played it almost everyday lol ((we have 5 tries a day I think)), and I won like a BB cream kit! So I might do a review when I'm free, so wait for it! :)
Okay, I said it would be a short post..
Shall go back to reading my book and jammin to Taylor Swift.
God bless <3

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