The day at le best friend's house.

by - 13:38:00

So today I went over to le best friend's house because we wanted to hang out and it was her off day and she asked me to go over and since I have never been to her house for a very long time, I said okay.
We decided to filmed a video for her channel and I borrowed her equipment to filmed a "What's in my phone" video for my YouTube channel cause it's so dead and le best friend suggested I filmed something.
Besides filming videos, we also had a mini photoshoot lmao. ((Yeah, a two person crew photoshoot)) So I'm just gonna leave some photos for yall to see lmao.

I was laughing at something, forgot what.

After she took this photo, she LOLed so hard. ((I didn't purposely make this pose hor, I didn't even realise my pose was like this lol))

My favorite! Hehe!
The entire time we were jamming to Beyonce, Girl's Generation, The Sam Willows and Bangtan Boys, so I kinda went a little crazy in front of the camera lmao.
She totally upgraded her camera equipment! Previously she had only her dslr, but now she even has a legit microphone and ring light! Which is why the photos are damn nice! Heh!
Oh ya, all the photos got no photoshop hor, lol.
You can go and see le best friend's pictures on her instagram, so follow her here!
She helped me take lots and lots of photos but these fews are the ones I considered the best and nicest ones! When I mean nicest, I don't mean like the rest aren't nice lah, I meant like these photos here are the ones where I looked the best lol. The rest I looked "meh" only.
So here's my "What's in/on my phone" video that I filmed and edited today!

Just a short post today, will be drafting more upcoming posts for this month! Look forward to them! :D
Ps: Claris would be uploading the video we filmed next week, so in the meantime, yall can check out her channel here and watch her videos! :)
God Bless <3
UPDATE: so le best friend, Claris has finally uploaded the Best Friend Tag Part 2 that we filmed for her channel!

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