Favourites: October

by - 12:07:00

(gifs not mine))
OMG re writing this cause I accidentally closed the browser UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys! Time passes by too quickly already leh, it was like weeks when I did my September favourites and now bam, it's the end of October! Soon it'd be Christmas and New Year! Yay!
As you can tell from the title, it's another favourites post. But this time, it isn't all beauty, heh. I've got a favourite hair and beauty product and also a book to share for this month!
Let's just get on with it~
So the first favourite item for this month is a hair product.

Who uses dry shampoo? I used to hate using dry shampoo cause it always end up in a mess, but now I love it. LOL. I started using Batiste dry shampoo cause my hair is always very oily and when I do not have time to wash my hair, dry shampoo is the option!

The one on the right is my first Batiste dry shampoo! It's so good cause it complete absorb all the oil in my scalp resulting in volumised hair! Not kidding man! It does work for me. Plus it smells nice heh. I needed to get another cause it was finishing, so I got the "Cool and Crisp Fresh" this time.
Plus you know how it's so hard to have volumised hair and clean scalp here in Singapore because of the super hot weather. Wherever we go, we perspire immediately and oil ended up everywhere lol. Thank God for dry shampoo, made life so much more easier.
Everyone should be familiar with the next product!

Maybelline's Baby Skin Pore Eraser! I've actually heard of this product super long time ago but I didn't get it cause I thought I wouldn't need it. Until recently I started becoming annoyed with my pores and since I've seen a few beauty gurus used it, I decided to try it out. You could also use it as a primer so why not?
It's hard to get it here in Singapore cause damn ex, so I got mine from JB cause its super duper cheap!! ((the ringgit now remember))
Its super light weight on my skin though its texture is a little oily. I use it before I start my makeup and apply it on my nose and cheek area. Loving this product so far!
Moving on, I've started going back to reading as I had stated on my previous post. So I recently finished reading..

The author wrote the popular series called Throne of Glass. I've never read it before so I'm planning to check it out since this book from her is damn good!
Basically this book is sort of fantasy/mystical romance ((love these genres!!)) and it's about a girl named Feyre, who is a huntress. After killing a faery, she is then brought to a castle to live with Tamlin, the High Lord of Spring Court and bam, let the romance commence.
If you love romance/fantasy books, you should totally check this book out!
The thing about me when I read books is that I can't stop lol. I would just keep reading and reading till I reached the end. So technically if you give me a nice fiction book which is about fantasy/mystical/romance/thriller/suspense, I could practically ignore my surroundings until I read finish.
Plus I get so sad when I'm done cause it's like "what to do with my life now" mode, LOL. Oh, and don't you just fall in love with the characters of a really good book. It'd be so awesome if every of the books I read has a movie for it.
Anyway, so here's my October favourites!!
Typing this out straight after I come back from school lol.
Time to go back to studying. See yall in my next post! Byee!!
God Bless <3

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