我的少女时代 Our Times

by - 16:33:00

((gifs and pics not mine))

I am very sure most of you would know the above movie! ((Or maybe at least those who live in Asia)) To be honest, I don't really want to blog about movies, but my pal Ole, suggested I blog about this since I was fangirling to her after watching it. 

So basically, Our Times is a Taiwan movie that was just released not too long ago. The moment it was released, everyone was talking about it. Like literally, every where in real life and on social media. I was like "what's the hype about man" 

Everyone around me was saying I should go watch it. Especially Ole, who don't usually watch movies cause I think she doesn't really like movies lol. However after watching it, she told me I have to go and watch it cause it's nice and awesome. Since she hardly compliment movies until like this, I was like "wah the movie confirm damn good lah." 

So I finally watched the movie and in the beginning I was like 

 But soon I became like this

And then at the end I was this

These gifs perfectly sum up my emotions throughout the movie. I prepared myself ((to cry)) cause people were telling me that they cried plus I very easily cry one lol. 

Our Times is set in the 90s era and where all the 20 something people could relate to in their life. It's about this girl, Lin Zhen Xin (林真心), a geeky messy girl who is super crazy over Andy Lau (刘德华) ((remember, in the 90s, Andy Lau damn handsome one hor)) who is infatuated with the basketball star, Ouyang Fei Fan (歐陽非凡). 

Then there's the bad boy whom everyone's scared of, Xu Tai Yu (徐太宇) who's interested in the school belle, Tao Min Min (陶敏敏). So just like a drama, Zhen Xin and Tai Yu teamed up to break Ouyang Fei Fan and Min Min up ((they were in a secret relationship)). But of course along the way, bam! Both of them fell in love!

The characters:
((some spoilers ahead! If you haven't watch it and don't want spoilers just skip this))
I feel like every girl who watched Our Times would be like 

I mean, the romance in the movie is just damn cute!! I think cause in the 90s, love, dating and relationships were so much simpler then. There was no social network, no netflix, no tinder etc. So people paktor is either go out and skate, picnic, movie and other non technological stuff. Which in my opinion, dating should be like that. Not always being on your phone and instagraming stuff blah blah ((ya yall would be like "next time you will also do that with your boyfriend" next time than talk ok))

And call me old fashion, but I think love letters are cute. Like seriously, if I receive love "whatsapp messages", it's kinda boring and like not so sincere leh. People think love letters are damn old fashion now but really, it shows your sincerity alot. Idk about some girls lah, but I'd prefer love letters heh 

I literally cried at the part when Tai Yu and Zhen Xin was on the rooftop. It's like she was happy he gave her an Andy Lau standee for her birthday and she wanted him to write his personal information in her diary. ((In those times, giving personal information was a sign that that person wants to be close with you)) But then Min Min appeared and it was revealed that Min Min had confessed to him. 

Poor Zhen Xin was like 

When she started crying ((she turned her back on him and cried in the rain)), I cried with her too. She cried cause she thought she had no chance with Tai Yu anymore since Tai Yu liked Min Min remember? But obviously, she don't know that Tai Yu also like her lah. Cause he thinks she like Ouyang. ((Drama right?!))

And then it was all good until I CRIED AGAIN ASDFHKL. At the scene when Tai Yu went overseas without saying goodbye and left Zhen Xin a cassette tape of his "love confession". Which was SO FREAKING ROMANTIC

But cause Zhen Xin was crying so I cried wtf

And then fast forward to present day where we have a grown up Zhen Xin still crazy over Andy Lau and still can't get tickets to his concert. So when she met Andy Lau on the streets and after telling him she couldn't get a ticket, he wrote a number down for her to call. I was of course waiting for grown up Tai Yu to appear, cause they will have to meet right?!

When she made the call and she turned around I was like OMG OMG THIS IS IT

BAM! Grown ups Zhen Xin and Tai Yu met! So Tai Yu became a staff of Andy Lau's concert and named it after Zhen Xin! LIKE ISN'T THIS THE MOST ROMANTIC THING A GUY COULD DO FOR A GIRL?! LIKE ORGANISE AND NAME HER FAVOURITE SUPERSTAR'S CONCERT AFTER HER?! 


((end of spoiler))

I swear, this movie gave me lots of feels. Oh, not to mention, the awesome main ost sung by S.H.E's Hebe called 《小幸运》. 

This is so not gonna leave my head for a while. 

I have a few of my favourite quotes from the movie, 
about life: 只有我们自己才可以决定自己的样子 
(We are the only ones who are able to decide who we want to be)

about love; 喜欢上一个人,是会不知不觉的  
(When liking someone, we do it unconsciously)

There were many awesome quotes too, you can see them here! But these 2 are my personal favourite. 

So in conclusion, this is a really really nice movie and now I'm having post movie feels. 

Off to find a Xu Tai Yu for my life! ((or wait for a XTY to enter my life))

God Bless <3

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