Beauty Review: Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion

by - 05:19:00

((gifs not mine, credits to their respective owners))
Hi hi! I'm back with another beauty review!
Ever since I bought the Any Cushion, I have always wanted to write a review, but I was always procrastinating. Sigh. But anyway, it's here!
Okay, so first off, before using this Any Cushion, I was using normal BB cream as my makeup base. Just regular BB cream ((from Etude House, yes, major fan remember?)). It wasn't until I actually got an online coupon where I could redeem a sample version of this Precious Mineral Any Cushion.
Now, a cushion and a BB cream is similar! Except that BB cream is obviously, purely liquid, and in a bottle kind! Cushions, however, are like BB creams in cushion form! Which is why it is super convenient!
So this is how the sample size looked like

I received the above shade and thank God it suited my skin! The thing about sample BB creams or cushion is that the shade you received might not suit your skin tone.
Anyway, so after receiving the sample, I started using it for about 2 to 3 months! It could last me that long for a small size because I hardly apply makeup everyday ((yes, I don't wear makeup to school) and  I only used it for weekends.
After trying out the Any Cushion sample, I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!
I knew I had to get the actual Any Cushion and as you know, the price at the outlets are not quite within my budget, so I resort to online lmao.
So I placed my order for the Any Cushion from Qoo10 and within a few days, it arrived! So excited to start using!
This is the actual size of the cushion

I really liked how the cushion functions. It has the puff separated from the cushion itself in order to prevent it from getting dirty, so I liked it. Kinda hygienic too.

Voila! The cushion is below! Hehe!
So before I show you how it looks on my skin, let's talk about the packaging itself first.
I guess this is a plus point for cushions as compared to normal BB creams! As I stated earlier, it is really convenient! Because it is in a compact design, I could bring it out wherever I go. I mean, I can't possibly bring my entire BB cream bottle out right?
Okay, let's move on to how it looks for my skin!
Specially for this review, you guys can see my no makeup face! LMAO.
Anyway, here is my skin before and after using this cushion.
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Sigh, so yes, this is my no makeup look. ((these two people are me, not someone else sigh)) Yucks, look at my dark eye circles! I really need to start sleeping early!
Anyway, so as you can see, here's the before and after look! I really like how the cushion lightens my skin tone, my skin tone is quite dark ((don't be fooled by the lighting in the photo, my skin tone is quite dark unlike those pretty K actresses)) so I was glad it could lighten it. Also, it does a good job in "smoothing" my skin, it is able to cover up those tiny pimples! But of course, to get that "perfect" skin, concealer is needed too.
The after photo has concealer applied after I used the cushion, which is why my skin looks perfect! Or almost, hehe.
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Here's another clearer look! As much as I wanted to add filters to the photos to make it look better, I didn't want to because I really wanna show you guys how my skin looks like.
The Any Cushion does moisturizing, whitening and anti wrinkles plus it has SPF50! Bonus points for sun protection function!! :D It also corrects skin tone ((mine remember, heh))!
I am glad I chose this Any Cushion as my first cushion! Plus, it has a great scent! If you read my Color in Liquid Lips also from Etude House review, yall would know that one of the reasons why I love Etude House products is because they all smell nice lol.
Okay, I shall end my review here! ((Writing this while having stomach cramps sigh ok tmi sorry))
Off to roll around in bed to divert my attention from the cramps ugh
Feel free to leave your opinions on cushions down at the comments! Would love to hear yall opinions!
God Bless <3

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