Dieting, Insecurities, Self love + Update

by - 12:08:00

((gifs used not mine))
Hey guys! :) I am back with a quick post! So all along I am a person who doesn't care about how much I weigh and whether I look fat or not. But obviously, we all have insecurities now and then right? On some days I don't care how my body looks, I just go
But on some days, whenever I come across prettier girls who doesn't seem to have a single percent of fat in their body, I go
But I wouldn't say I hate my body, I wouldn't go all the way to that extend. However, I do feel like I have been so unhealthy lately by constantly eating and lazying around ((especially since its the holidays)), thus I felt like I had to do something. So, I decided to start dieting!
But nope, it's not the kind of dieting where I force myself to stop eating or whatsoever. It's a kind of healthier dieting I guess? I decided to start a one-carbs-meal-per-day diet. In which I would eat only one meal with carbs each day ((mainly for lunch)) and when it comes to dinner, its a no-carbs meal!
I would be trying this out for a month and at the end of the month, I shall see if I lose weight! But on top of dieting, I still exercise I suppose. Healthier way of losing weight remember?
Anyway, I'm writing this because I know some girls out there feel very insecure about their body. I blame society for that, who says a girl needs to have a supermodel body? Some girls are starving themselves in order to achieve a body which they think would be acceptable in this society, but come on, stop torturing your body. If someone calls you fat, just
punch them in the face repeatedly remind yourself, that you're beautiful, don't conform to society standards.
Go ahead and enjoy pizzas, smoothies and cookies! But try not to overeat cause those are unhealthy.. I feel that every girl shouldn't be bothered by what society wants them to be. Just be yourself, no matter what body size you are, how you look, the type of clothing you wear, I think everyone is beautiful in their own special way.
I get pressured sometimes, to lose weight, and getting called fat. But to be honest, I know myself, I know that my weight is in a healthy range and that it is not "fat". But even if I was, it's my body, myself. If I want to lose weight, I will, but if I don't, then I won't,
I'll probably just enjoy food cause food is life. Don't let what others and society says let it affect you, if you are a plus size so what? What matters most is that you are healthy and happy! ((if you are not living healthily, better start today!!))
I know it seems hard, after all there are lots of prettier and skinnier girls around, but trust me, love yourself. Have self love, only then can you look in the mirror and think "Wow, I look so hot." LOL. Self love boost your confidence and lessen your insecurities. We would always find things to be insecure about, which is why we gotta lessen the insecurity and find the confidence in ourselves.
Okay, so all done with the pep talk! I just wanna say that me dieting is not because I feel like I'm too fat blah blah blah, it's because I've probably gained a little weight ((double chins are coming out)) and I feel unsatisfied, which is why I'm gonna try out this form of dieting! I want to do something about this weight gain and not because I have to, get the difference?
Cause I don't want to sound like a hypocrite.. So if you feel like you gained weight but you don't want to do anything about it, it's totally fine! Unless of course, your health is at risk, if not, you are still beautiful!
preach honey boo boo!
Anyway, enough of all these. School is starting next week which means lesser time to blog. Sigh. I'll try to update occasionally if I am free, so see yall~! :D
God bless <3

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