Secondary School life vs Polytechnic life

by - 00:05:00

(gifs not mine)

Have been wanting to write this for quite some time but I've been quite lazy. But since I'm feeling a little productive, I shall start on it.

So it's been a year since I entered poly and I thought maybe I could share my views on the difference between secondary school life and poly life.


In secondary school, the friendship we made since sec 1 could very well last us our entire 4/5 years in secondary school.

I remembered some friends that I made in the sec 1 orientation camps lasted me my entire secondary school life. LOL. Though after graduating, not many of us are in contact now. 

But I do have a few secondary school friends whom I'm super close to even now. Though we are different polys and courses, I still keep in contact with them. They are what I call "Close Friends".

For poly, I haven't graduate yet so I can't say for sure whether the friends I made in year 1 are still my friends after graduation. But a lot of people has been saying how people in poly are so fake and all they want to do in be popular. 

I haven't encounter any of them yet, or maybe I have and I just don't know it yet but I think it's a little true..? I mean there are some people in polys whom are just obsessed with wanting to stand out and be popular so they join all sorts of activities and camps and blah blah blah just so they could get people to pay attention to them I guess. But I believe not everyone are like that. 

Cause if the whole population in poly are like that then we are all effed up. 

So I would say that the friendship made in secondary school are much more significant than the friendship made in polys. 

Sure there's always drama (esp in a girls school) but we will always make up. Even after graduating from secondary school for at least a year now, I'm still in contact with some of my close classmates. Especially since we were from a girls school, the bond is damn deep ok. 

I can't say the same for poly right now but maybe I'll get back to yall when I graduate ok? 

Test Results

In secondary school, failing a subject doesn't mean end of the world. Not talking about national exam lah, that one is a whole different story lol. 

Ya ok but like if we failed a subject in school, it's not really too worrying right. I mean admit it lah, some of yall will just be like "shit, failed math/science. aiya, better start studying hard liao," 

And then when you find a friend who also failed, it's like "OMG YOU FAILED ALSO? HIGH FIVE SIA!" This is something that happens to everyone once in their life I'm sure. 

Then you'll just carry on with life and just continue to bury yourself in the 10 year series. 

In poly, however, is an entirely whole new ball game. If you fail a module, you just need to repeat it the next sem. As simple as that. But though it is very simple, trust me, you do not want to ever repeat a module. 

The work schedule in school is already super hectic with at least 4 or 5 modules plus your CCA. Imagine retaking the module that you failed in the next sem along with your other 5 modules. Its hell man. Extra workload!!

Which is why everyone is working hard in poly at their exams and projects just so we could pass the module and not having to care about it forever. 

When it comes to test results, it could emotionally wreck you I suppose. 

I remembered when I used to fail a subject in secondary school, I was sad for a day but then I move on and just study even harder. 

But in poly, it's emotionally stressful tbh. 

For 1.1, I had failed my microecons mid semester test. I am super bad at numbers and stuff btw, which is why I always don't do so well for maths and science. I am more of a history and literature person. 

Anyway, when I failed my econs MST for 1,1, I was freaking out. Cause I was worried if I was gonna do badly for the upcoming exam. My econs teacher told me that the project could boost my grade and I won't fail but I was doubting myself cause I know that if I don't pull up my socks I would fail this module. 

Just a freshie leh, I can't FAIL ANYTHING!!! I did the re testa and I still failed so I was like all wreck and worried. I kept thinking about it for days and nights, really. 

Okay, a bit overdramatic, but hello, when your grades and school life is on the line, you'll be very dramatic too ok. 

For 1.2, I failed my macroecons MST this time. Same thing happened, I was worried, scared and anxious. Panicking day and night. Plus, I was feeling very inferior since I was the only one who failed. Really. That brought out an inferiority complex that I never had, I felt entirely embarassed too since the whole class knew 1 person had failed. Ya for yall who didn't know who failed, it was me ok.

Anyway, I did the retest and for once, I didn't fail. So I was kinda glad. Hallelujah! 

Long story short, I managed to pass my econs modules and is moving on to 2.1. 

But the happiness isn't gonna last cause year 2 means more work and a more hectic life. 


In secondary school, you have your teachers. Nuff said. Throughout our growing up days in school, our form teachers were like a second parent to us. 

We go to them when we feel sad or we need help etc. Also, chers were always busy printing out stuff for us, be it notes, worksheets, past year papers etc. God knows how many trees were killed in this process.. But, all for us right? 

In poly, everything is DIY. Do-It-Yourself. Thats where the independence comes in. 

Now we have to print all the notes ourselves, can you imagine going to the printer shop and printing out a thick stack of notes. I have never been in front of a printer this many times in my life. Ever. 

But oh well, the independence is being brought out so I guess it's a good thing. 


In order to prepare for Os/Ns, 10 year series was our best friend/partner. We were practically married to the 10 year series man. Everywhere we go, the 10 year series goes. 

I could vividly recall the amount of stress put in when preparing for the major national exam. It was during sec 3 and 4 where I was super stressful especially during and after prelim. I remembered sobbing cause I was like scared. 

I mean, hello, it's the freaking Os. Everyone had a certain L1R5/4 that they want to hit in order to be able to attend the poly/JC they wanted. 

Boy am I glad I have gone through that phase. But hey, life isn't a bed of roses. A lot of people think life in poly is easy and sweet but sorry to burst your bubble, it isn't. 

Then yall be like, "then why you choose poly for what" And I would be like "Cause I'm not the type for JC. I don't like studying the same subjects for like 2 freaking years. Plus, a diploma is useful ok."

But please, be it JC or poly, nothing is easy in life okay. 

Everyone think JC students have more stress than poly students but that is so not true. Stop it with the stereotypes please omg. I think as long as you're a student in Singapore, confirm will stress one so stop comparing

Here in poly, we have both projects and tests to do. If you end up with shitty project mates, good luck cause it could suck and potentially bring your grades down. So choose your mates wisely. But then again if you don't know them that well than I guess you gotta take a gamble. 

But if you have good project mates, than congratulations! 

Project mates could potentially affect the grades ya know, plays a very crucial part in your GPA. I've heard so many complains from people about their project mates. 

Besides projects, there are tests and exams to study too! 

And if you're in a business course like me, PRESENTATIONS AS WELL. Yes, presentations as in wearing this pencil skirt with heels and formal blouse presenting stuff in front of the class. 



In sec school, CCA was compulsory cause it helps our L1R4/5. As long as you participate in stuff, you'll get your bonus 2 points to minus from. 

However, I've seen some people too focus on their CCA that their studies were neglected. All because they could not manage their time well. 

Same goes for poly here. Though a CCA is not compulsory but people are like saying they want a CCA so they could get points, make friends, blah blah blah. But then some of them ended up having lesser time to study which leads to a low GPA. 

I choose not to have a CCA in poly because I know I will not be able to manage my time well. I will confirm neglect my studies which would affect my GPA. And so far, my GPA is still within my expectations so thank God.

But I know some people who can manage their time super well so good for them lah. But if you are like me, super cannot manage time well, I suggest you don't pick a CCA. It will only eat into your studying time. 

However, if you want to get points and stuff, you can try joining those one time events. Always got points one. Heh. 

Whew, that was one lengthy rant. All these are just MY opinion, you may have a different one from me but that doesn't matter. If you wanna argue with whatever I said, feel free. 

Okay, next post will be more interesting I hope. Hehe.

God Bless <3

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