Beauty Talk: Seoul Sweet Beauty Haul

by - 18:37:00

Like I mentioned previously on my Seoul Sweet post, I'll show yall my beauty haul from Korea! The last time I went to Korea back in 2013, I was so crazy over kpop that I spend more on albums than on makeup. Soon I regretted it.

Since then, I've been saving up for this trip to spend all on beauty related stuff only since you know, makeup here is super expensive than in Korea. 

I was super excited the moment I saw Etude House. Looking through my posts, yall would know I'm a huge fan of Etude House and have been an avid supporter of their products. 

Yep... Throughout the trip, I keep going crazy when buying Etude products. At least I've never regretted it. LORD'S BLESSING!!!

Okay, I'l start my haul now.

First off, I needed a set of skincare cause my old ones wasn't working out for me. The lady at Etude House (who could speak chinese by the way) recommended me this one as she said that because of the weather in Singapore, this is much more suitable. 

As I bought these, they gave me a mini trial kit, so I started using the trial kits immediately and I'm loving it!! 

Because it's water base, it doesn't make my skin oily and it is suitable for a country like Singapore as it won't produce a lot of oil!

Oh and this Pink Vital Water is new I think.

Then I bought their Sunprise Dust Block which is a sun and dust block (woah) and soft clay pack mask!!

Since my liquid concealer is running out, I needed a new one. Since Etude stopped their Surprise concealer line and came out with this new one, the BIG Cover, I was like, lets just try it!! 

So I got the sponge one where you just click on top of the pen and the liquid comes onto the sponge and just dab it onto the areas where you wanna cover. It covers my dark eye circles so it works for me so far. 

The product on the left is an oil control pact. Afterall, the weather here in S'pore is hot af (I started feeling the heat the moment I landed), my skin tends to produce LOTS of oil, so I wanna switch to an oil control pact. Haven't use it yet but hopefully it works for me. 

I had to buy their eyelashes because I bought them once and I love it!!! Super natural and long!! I love the number 2 ones, both volume and long!!

Then I bought their primer cause mine was finishing and then a liquid liner cause I wanted to try theirs. I tried it out and it's damn easy to wing it!! LOVE IT so I bought another one at Myeongdong but it's a brown one this time. 

Their PLAY 101 LINE!!! When the pencils first came out I wanted to buy it but it is 12 SGD and I'm like SIAO WTF. So when I reached Korea, the pencils were the first thing I looked for. AND IT IS FREAKING 6000 WON LIKE, so much cheaper than SG please!!!!!! 

I bought these colors cause I could use them for blush and lips. I used them for lip liners, that way I don't need to purposely buy lip liners. Plus, the play 101 pencils are multifunctional, so BOO YAH!

Then I got their contour duo, one side for highlight the other for contour! Youtube star and K makeup artist PONY recommends it!!

Lastly, I got their lip scrub that taste delicious lol. I need a scrub for my dead skin on my lips so the girl at etude recommend me this one from their berry line (i think). It smells sweet and nice!!!!

Then I got their cherry tint cause I'm in love with tints and last time I had a sample and I love it!!!

One thing I love about Korea is that they are super generous with their samples, it's like the more products I bought, the more samples they gave!!!! If you see the first picture, I actually spend like more than 50,000 won cause of all the skin care and other stuff, and then they gave like A LOT OF FREAKING SAMPLES LIKE OMG. Even two cute pens!!!!!!! 

Service damn good man!! I CAN'T EVEN.

I think I'm being super biased cause I kept saying good things about Etude House products lmao, but really mah, it works for my face so I have no bad things to say. Plus, all their products smell damn nice, so extra brownie points!!

I'll try all the products for some time first and if I really like it and want to recommend it, I'll probably do a review for certain products.

Okay, this is the end of my beauty haul. I'll see yall soon!~

God Bless <3

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