My Body, My Rules

by - 13:58:00

(gifs not mine)

This is such an impromptu post cause I just thought of writing it when I woke up today. Plus, I feel like ranting about this topic for quite some time now so here goes.

To be honest, I get so sick and tired of people commenting about how a girl's body should look like.

For me, I've had people who keeps saying how I need to lose weight cause it seems like I'm having too much fats on my body.

HOLD UP. WAIT WHAT? Oh, so in your opinion, I'm having TOO MUCH FATS ON MY BODY?

WOW, I didn't know that it's actually illegal to have TOO MUCH FATS ON MY BODY?

And are you even a doctor? Or a professional health advisor? Who are you to say that I have too much fats on my body?

Who said that girls can't have fats on their body? You? God? Doctors? OH WAIT, SOCIETY SAID

I just hate how people expect girls to have bodies like Victoria Secret Angels. Also, I realised that fleshier girls are more acceptable in America then in Asia.

Well, talking from experience since I'm an Asian with Asian family and relatives, I feel like if an Asian girls's thighs are big, having a flabby arms or spare tyres around the stomach, they are immediately frowned upon.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family and relatives. But sometimes, these old fashioned thinking NEEDS TO GO.

With all due respect. they have no right to judge my body and if I have no problem embracing how "big my thighs are" or how "round my face is". Who are they to judge?

If they tell me "aiyo, you need to slim down lah, growing chubbier liao", DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I'LL LISTEN TO YOU GUYS?

No, I've learned to embrace my own body and be happy. I'm not going to let your indirect statement of calling me fat affect my life. I'm not going to let you guys's comments affect me in any sort of way.

And you know what? I'm just going turn a deaf ear to comments made by them on how my thighs are too big or how I'm getting fat. Why should I let comments like these affect me emotionally?

Sometimes I feel like the older generation should be more sensitive. Some girls out there lack confidence and do not know how to embrace their own body. They are constantly thinking that they're fat when they're not. This is how eating disorder comes about.

The older generation make comments like "you're getting fat" or "thighs too big, cannot" without even thinking how the girls (or even guys) would feel. SMH.

I mean even if they think someone is fat, can you please keep it to yourself?

Okay, I'm going to be honest. I do not think I'm fat/obese.

Sure, I may have some spare tyres here and there, and maybe my thighs are bigger, but erm, does this mean I'm fat? And that I NEED to lose weight?


If I'm satisfied with my own body then these people HAVE NO RIGHT to make comments about my weight or my body. NO RIGHT.

I'm embracing my own body, if I'm not satisfied by how it looks then I'll exercise and eat healthily. People don't deserve to tell me what to do. Would you rather I starve myself resulting in an eating disorder?

Unless my health is being affected by how fat/obese I am, I'm just going to not let it affect my life.

Doing this post is kinda therapeutic lol. Everything that I mentioned is true btw. Every time people tell me "aiyo girl, you really need lose weight", I have the urge to just roll my eyes and shake my head.

Yeah continue your comments. They're not gonna make me feel less confident or insecure cause my view point is entirely different from yours and idc what you think as long as I'm satisfied and happy with my body.

Oh and do you really think I'll exercise and lose weight because of YOUR COMMENT? LMAO, nope. if I exercise and lose weight, it's because I want to. (I'm sure I've mentioned this so many times in another post)

So my point in ranting today is to remind girls (and guys) out there to embrace your body. Don't care what people says. what matters most is how you feel.

Remember, our weight and how our body looks don't define our happiness. As long as we're healthy and happy, that's all that matters. :)

God Bless <3 

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