Re-reading old Facebook statuses

by - 07:10:00

((disclaimer: gifs used not mine, credits to their respective owners))
I know not many people uses Facebook nowadays as compared to Instagram and Twitter, but when I was in primary school, Facebook was the "in" thing. Lots of people were using it, twitter wasn't that well known yet, and boy, what was Instagram.
So I started using Facebook in Primary 5 ((11 years old then)) cause all my friends were using it, and technically, 11 year olds aren't really allowed on Facebook I think, so I lied about my age lmao. But I'm sure my friends did too.
When I started using it, I was kinda fascinated by it. LOL. I was like
I mean, afterall it was something new to me and you could even play games! ((Pet society remember?!))
And being a geeky annoying primary school kid, my status box was frequently updated lmao. So, the following screenshots are my super duper old Facebook statuses that make me wanna punch myself in the face. ((and make yall laugh at me lmao))
OMG WTF WAS I THINKING?! I was a major Miley Cyrus fan, and here I am behaving like some stupid crazy fangirl. OMG. I wanna punch myself now that I look back. Gosh.
OH GOSH. I was such an idiot then. Yes yes, laugh at/with me cause I'm so darn stupid then. AND ANNOYING. I am being annoyed by myself now wtf. Excuse me 11 year old me, NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU ARE DOING OMG.
This was when I started Secondary school, facebook seemed like an easy way to connect with ALL of my school mates since I might not have everyone's number then LMAO. *slap myself*
WHO TF LIKES THEIR OWN POST?! WTF BRITNEY WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU BRAT OMG. I'm gonna go dig a hole and bury myself in it.
I guessed I thought fb was like a online diary. LMAO
What was I thinking then?! OMG! Like no one cares. and I still post omg.
yup, childish me GOSH OMG. I think I was sort of having some kind of fight(?) with a friend of mine? I really can't remember gosh.
bimbo me. wtf was I talking about? OMG.
I am not gonna post the rest cause there really is too much of lame, annoying, bimbotic, geeky etc statuses that I had. You can go onto my profile and stalk me all the way from 2010 onwards if you wanna see more of my super embarrassing statuses. ((Only those whom I friends with on fb!)) or tell me if you want part 2! :D
Go ahead and laugh, cause I made this post for yall to laugh one lol!
Even I myself kept laughing at how stupid I looked with all these super lame statuses omg.
Now I don't update my status that much ((nope, no more weird ones like the above)) unless I updated my blog or other stuff.
I just use facebook for news, see whats up with people and games ((when I'm bored lmao)).
So, practically the above gifs are my feelings for my old statuses.
I'm just gonna bury myself now. Byee.
God Bless <3

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