Book talk: A Court of Mist and Fury

by - 17:29:00

(gifs not mine)

I have no idea what to do with my life now that I'm done reading ACOMF.. 

Anyway, hey guys I'm back with another "talk" but don't worry, it's not a beauty talk this time! HAHAHA! It's sort of like a book talk and if you are not someone who likes to read, this post would surely bore you. 

Okie, let's go!

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. 

This is the sequel to the first book of the trilogy, A Court of Thorns and Roses. 

I think I wrote about the first book before, but I can't remember if its still amongst the blog posts. But for those who do not know about this series, let me give you a brief summary. 

So in ACOTAR, it is about a girl called Feyre (Fei-ruh) who is a human huntress, who lives in the village with her father and two older sisters. They were once wealthy but later on became broke. Feyre was the only one in the family who would dare to go out into the woods to hunt for food since their father was not really too capable in taking care of his three daughters. 

One day, Feyre accidentally killed this magical creature and so because of her mistake, she was forced to live with this beast/creature/faery, High Lord of the Spring Court, Tamlin

In the ACOTAR series, there is the Spring Court, Summer Court, Winter Court, Autumn Court, Day Court, Night Court and Dawn Court. Each court is ruled by a high lord, sort of like a king. 

Anyway, so in ACOTAR, Feyre and Tamlin slowly fell in love as they spent more time together in Spring Court and Feyre is introduce to Tamlin's world. 

At the end of the book, I seriously thought that Fey and Tam are like meant to be together and in love with one another so badly. But as soon as I started reading ACOMAF, ho ho ho, major plot twist by Sarah J Maas. 

So in ACOMAF, something between Fey and Tam's relationship changes. Towards the end of ACOTAR, Fey and Tam went through hell and was tortured by this evil villain (I won't say much you guys must read it to know what happened!!). I think it's probably PTSD or stuff, but the both of them has very intense trauma because of it. 

Tamlin starts to become obsessed with keeping Fey safe even locking her in the house (wtf). Also, Fey has to keep her promise about the bargain she made with the High Lord of Night Court, Rhysand (Ree-Sand). The bargain was that every month, Fey has to live in the Night Court for a week. This bargain was made during Fey's torture by the evil villain in ACOTAR just so Rhys could help her. 

In ACOMAF, Fey starts to feel suffocated because of Tamlin's control over her freedom, this damages their relationship. She thens starts to find comfort in Rhys (super unexpected) and got to know the different side of him. 

Mist and Fury this time was much more thicker then Thorns and Roses. I remembered I finished reading ACOTAR last year and I was so excited for the sequel to come out and so when it was released in May, I was like omg I really need to get the book!!

I found out Popular has it so I quickly bought it and finished it within 4 days. Woohoo. 

Okay, so Sarah J Maas is really super good at plot twists. She could make us turn our liking for a certain character into hatred and vice versa! 

(A few spoilers for Mist and Fury below)

My exact reaction when: Tamlin locks Fey up in her room. 

Like uh nu uh, LOCKING SOMEONE UP AGAINST THEIR WILL ISN'T LOVE, LIKE IT'S CREEPY. Tam claims it's for her own protection but I'm just like BS. 

Me when: Fey starts to fall in love with Rhys

Like yeah I know in book 1 she was all crazy about Tam, but in book 2, Tam changed and he becomes more aggressive and obsessive and possessive around Fey and he doesn't give her any freedom at all so I kinda understand if she falls out of love with him. 

Rhys was there for her the very start so I'm like AWWWWW YES RHYS IS A GOOD GUY WE HAVE MISUNDERSTOOD HIM IN THE FIRST BOOK BUT YAY LOVE HIM. (he was kinda mean in book 1 but it was revealed in book 2 the reasons why he did what he did)

Me when: Rhys was confessing how he felt when he found out that Fey was his MATE 

OMG OMG OMG. I WAS JUST LIKE HO HO HO. Like mates?! Just a little background on the stories, when a fae found their mate, it is not just like a lover, it meant that they are equal in status, it's like your other half. 

Tamlin mentioned to Fey before that if they get married, Fey would not be his queen as there is no such thing as a High Lady, Fey would just be a consort. Like a concubine. I was like wtf. 


Me when: Rhys officially made Fey the High Lady of Night Court. 

Like bam! BAM MAN! Shitty Tamlin was going to make Fey a consort only, a rank that is not equal to him. BUT RHYS MADE FEY HIS HIGH LADY, HIS QUEEN, HIS LOVE, HIS EQUAL. 

Find a Rhysand ladies, not a Tamlin. 

Remember how I mentioned how good Sarah J Maas is with plot twists? Yep, at the end of the book I was like HOLY SHIT, SHIT JUST GOT REAL

Like Fey was willing to GO BACK TO TAMLIN SIDE JUST SO SHE COULD SAVE NIGHT COURT AND HER FAMILY. But don't worry, she go back only to become a spy for her mate. SMART ASS GIRL SHE!! 

Tamlin is digging his own grave by letting the HIGH LADY OF NIGHT COURT stay at Spring Court especially since she swore to "lead him in the wrong direction," and "bring him and his court to their knees." #TEAMFEY

By the way, Tamlin actually sided with this bad king who wants to take over the world and do evil stuff just so he could get Fey back. Sigh, someone slap this guy please. 

Anyway, overall the book was awesome, I have no complains about it and it exceeded my expectations. I really didn't expect a lot of stuff in there hohoho. 

Now I have to wait till next year for the final book to come out! 

What I hope with be in the last book? Well, I hope more FEYSAND scenes, Tamlin being defeated by Feysand and of course a happy ending for Feysand!!

Okay but I really cannot wait until the final book comes out. Oh by the way, you guys should check out Sarah J Maas other book called "Throne of Glass", it is actually a series. I have not started yet but I am planning to. If her ACOTAR series is good, then I bet TOG is as well! 

Try reading from time to time guys, it's actually much better than always being on the phone. 

I love books which I could relate to the characters, it makes you feel closer to them ya know lol. I think it's just me but I love reading books which are only in a female's POV. I'm not sexist or anything, but I just like reading books where the lead character is a female. Probably cause I'm a girl so I could relate to them better heh.

Alright, I shall not bore you guys any further, see you on my next post!

God Bless <3

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