Beauty Review: Silkygirl Lipcolor balm

by - 14:27:00

(disclaimer: products are all bought with my own money)

(gifs not mine)

Back with another beauty product review and this time, it's Silkygirl! Yes yes, yall must be tired of me and my korean makeup products right. So here's another Asian brand.


The product I'll be talking about is their Lip color balm. Just like the name, it is a lipbalm with color. LMAO.

So Silkygirl actually has two kinds of lip color balm. One would be the Moisture Boost whereas the other is the Matte Fever.

Moisture Boost

When Silkygirl first launched their Moisture Boost lip balm, I was like "omg have to try!!" Afterall, it's not just lipbalm leh, it's lipbalm WITH COLOR!!

Whenever I wear lip products I will always apply lipbalms because my lips are super dry and crack then when wear lipstick like very ugly right. 

But with the moisture boost, I don't need to wear lipbalm, just apply the product straight away lor! Save me one step and it's extremely useful when I'm in a hurry.

The first moisture boost I bought was the shade "Coral". I actually spend time swatching all the shades until I decided to buy Coral cause it has this sheer redish kind of color. Which I love cause like very natural heh.

It wasn't until Silkygirl recently launched new shades for the moisture boost before I decided I need another one. Afterall I love love love the first one I bought so must get another one lor!!

I looked online and saw what the new shades are - Orchid, Mauve and Blush. You can visit here for more info!

The new shades are so pretty so I was like OMG OMG I NEED TO GET ONE...

Of course I didn't want to buy from S'pore cause will a bit ex ya know, so I had the chance to go JB again with my parents for some shopping and food before school starts so must quickly go enjoy.

I immediately went to find Watsons at City Square and head straight to the Silkygirl section. Then I begun swatching the new shades until I decided to choose "Orchid".

It looks a little sheer, but don't worry, when it goes onto your lips, the color is there! I love love love Orchid shade cause it's so pretty!!

I guess the only bad thing about the lip colors is that you'll have to keep applying it especially after eating. I mean expected since like any other ordinary lipstick, it doesn't stay on unless they're tints. 

A selfie of me wearing the shade "Orchid"

Matte Fever

When I was at JB, I bought the Matte Fever lip color too. Actually I didn't know about the matte fever lip color balm until I went onto their website and saw that they had a another type of lip color balm besides moisture boost. 

MATTE SOME MORE!! Of course must try right!!

Matte lipsticks are getting so popular nowadays, I also don't know why but I LOVEEEE IT. 

Like what I did for the moisture boost, I was busy swatching different shades to see which one I like. 

So I chose the shade "Desire", at first it seem like almost similar to Coral to me, but once I tried it on my lips, I was like OMG WOAH. 

It's like red with a bit of pink in it.

Look like pink right on my hand? 

On my lips it's red actually! Looked more reddish on my lips than on my hand. 

I'm glad I chose this cause I've been looking for a red lip color for a while now but when I went to Korea I only bought Etude House's cherry lip tint in a reddish color. But it's different cause that was a tint, I wanted a matte as well.

It looks a bit pinkish on camera, but off camera it has a more reddish tone. 

Thank God I found this man!! Yay, now I have a matte lip color in red! 

Oh and not to mention, the product smells like vanilla!! I was surprise cause the moisture boost got no smell so I'm like wah the matte fever is so unique. 

I hope Silkygirl will release more new shades for the matte fever line! 

Overall I'd give a 8/10 for their lipcolor balm. Minus two cause I have to keep applying after an hour but kinda expected it cause not tint mah. 

It's super cheap in JB so if yall don't want spend too much, I suggest go JB buy better. Cost be $6 SGD when I buy in JB. 

Okay time to roll around heh bye!

God Bless <3

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