Life update: Internship?!

by - 14:09:00

((gifs not mine))

I can finally sit down and properly blog right now. It has been such a hectic few months and I finally have the time!

So, I've just finished posting my Bangkok/Pattaya series and if you have not read them, go back to the main page and you'll find the posts all there (I'm so lazy to link lmao). Anyway, my three-part post on BKK/PTT is all up and seeing what I wrote makes me wanna go back there again mainly because of the food and massage!! YASSSS.

 But! Sadly, I can't go for any holiday until August! Why? Cause I've officially started internship!!

Which to me is like "omgggg, i've started internship already..??"

Because this means that i'm in my third year of poly this year and after internship it'd be my final semester before graduation, and then after grad it's the time to make big life decisions idk omg.

Anyway, yup, i've started internship! idk whether should I be excited or crying lmao. Ok, just kidding, to be honest.. I'm half nervous and half excited. Even though it's been a few weeks since I started internship but I'm still nervous idk why. But so far, internship has been quite eye opening for me and I'm learning little things bit by bit.

Okay, I can't say much about my internship (cause most info suppose to confidential I think) but all I can say is that because my internship company is an event company so we organise events right and I spend my first week of internship onsite straight away since my team had a event for three days before I headed to the office and started office work when the event was over!

Also, I get to see other TP people at the office as well which makes it so much better because seeing familiar faces around an environment you've never been to makes it so much better really.

I don't know if interning for five months will make me miss the school environment or not (most people will say no lmao) but I'm a little excited to see where this five months of intern brings me and it's kinda cool to see what you've learned in school coming to life especially in the MICE industry.

OH AND SPEAKING OF MICE, results for this sem came out and sigh pie, MICE MADE MY GPA DROP BY 0.1 SIGH. Which I kinda expected it cause during the sem, mice was the only mod that I didn't really like and so well, guess I kinda not do well for it.. oops..

Told my mom my results and got blasted sigh pie, she blamed it on the k dramas that I've been watching.. (well.. technically she's not that wrong..) maybe I've been watching too many dramas last sem already lmao.

Speaking of k dramas, have 'yall been watching the latest drama STRONG WOMAN DO BONG SOON? If you have not, what are you doing?! Starring Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Shik, it's about a cute little woman called Bong Soon who has like a hulk strength lmao. It has quite a high ratings so far and its super cute!! Yall should go watch it!!

I find myself getting adjusted slowly with working life day by day and I'm always always looking forward for Fridays because TGIF lmao. I mean when you start working, you'll gradually look forward to the weekend!

I've also started dayre-ing again but it's only about my internship adventure so ya'll can check it out if you want!

Okay, I'll update until here. Good friday was yesterday so we got a long weekend this week hehe. Had a great service at church and it truely reminds us about God's love for us when he sent his son down to die for our sins. <3

God bless! <3

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