Changes made for an acne skin

by - 20:58:00

So a few months ago, my skin started breaking out for no apparent reason. Instead of "period pimples" which you get every month but those disappear within like a few days, I had acne instead. Like, really really bad acne.

Acne started popping out on my forehead, cheeks and chin. So basically, my entire face. It was red. Sorry no pics cause who wanted to take pictures of their bad acne as a memory lol. 

Because normally my skin is healthy and clear, I was freaking out when it started breaking out. Like why?! I headed to the National Skin Centre to get a check up done and to get some medicine for the acne. In my case it's considered mild acne lah, but if you were in my shoes you'd understand. For someone who has clear skin all her life, all of a sudden acne started arriving?! 

The dermatologist said it could be due to hormones- other words, puberty.

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Wow, a bit too late for acne puberty leh. So yeah, apparently, acne puberty decided to hit me when I'm a little older. Sigh. 

Anyway, because of my sensitive and acne skin, I made huge changes to my makeup routine. 

I stopped using foundation/bb creams.

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Before my acne skin, I had a complete makeup routine - which means, foundation/bb creams or cushion, brows, liner, blush, contour, highlight etc. But after the redness and acne started appearing, I stopped using my bb creams/cushions. 

Because the doctor told me that it is better to let my skin breathe, she told me to try not to pile on a lot of makeup. So, I stopped. 

I know, what a waste right. All my bb creams/cushions are left in my drawer, untouched for like a few months liao. But I've never felt better! 

After I stopped piling makeup on my face, I feel like my skin could breathe better now. Especially out in the hot weather, I don't have to worry about my sweat mixing with my base makeup already (ew). 

I now use only concealer for my under eye dark circles. Thankfully my concealer shade is the same as my skin tone, so it is able to blend in very nicely so it wont look so obvious that I have only under eye concealer on heh. 

Actually, I got the idea of going foundation free from Michelle Phan as well. I remembered she said something when she finally came back, was how her skin has never felt healthy ever since she stopped using foundation. If I'm not wrong, she has been going foundation free for two years now and her skin really looked amazing. No kidding. 

If can, try to go foundation free once in a while. It is actually beneficial to your skin especially skin like mine which are sensitive and acne prone. Plus, you get to save money heh. 

I stopped using blushes.

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At the time when my acne was really bad, my cheeks were already red enough. So obviously I can't use anymore blush right? Later I look like a baboon. Lol. 

Plus, just the thought of piling on powders onto my acne skin makes me feel yucky. Ugh. So now, I haven't been using blush for months.

Even now when my skin is clearing up (hallelujah thank you Lord), and there's not much redness anymore, I still don't use any blush already. 

I started making use of color correcting concealers recently when I started breaking out. Yes, I said I don't wanna pile on makeup on my acne right, but there are times where I have events to go to where I need to to look nice right, so that's where color correcting comes in. 

I am currently using this color correcting palette by NYX and it is so good.

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I use the green shade to neutralise the redness on my skin and it does work wonders. 

Also, I had cut down on my skincare routine. 

Okay this may seem like a shocker cause you may be like "huh, but isn't cutting down on your skincare routine bad for your skin?" Well.. in my case, not really. My doctor told me that since my skin is a bit more sensitive and tend to be red easily, it would be better to stay away from makeup brand skincare. 

I took the liberty of asking her specifically about Korean brand skincare since they are known for skincare right, so she told me that it's better to stay away from them if your skin tend to be more sensitive than others. 

She also told me that all I need for skincare is just sun protection and moisturiser. 

Wow, if only I knew that earlier I wouldn't spend so much money on skincare lor. 

She recommended a skincare line that it suitable for people with sensitive skin like me, that is more medicinal in this case.

So now, instead of having five products on my face, I have only two! Some of you may have a different opinion than me, but I feel like it's better this way. Like the phrase "less is more" right? Hehe. 

It has been a few months since these changes were made and I'm glad to say that my skin is clearing up day by day. THANK YOU JESUS. 

There are like pimples popping here and there but those are the kinds that disappears after a week. So yes, my acne is starting to clear up and there is still slight redness here and there but it's all good! 

Nevertheless, I intend to stay on this makeup routine still. Probably cause I am used to it already I guess. Sorry once again, I have no before and after pictures. Cause really, the last thing I wanna do is to take a pic of my extreme red face when I'm breaking out lol. 

To all those out there who are having acne too, don't fret too much! Just know that it is a phase in life and that your skin will be clear and beautiful again! It just takes time, in my case, more than half a year. Just be patient and diligently apply your prescribed medicine. You'll definitely see changes soon enough. 

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God Bless <3 

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