Bangkok/Pattaya 2016 - #britsayssawadee FINAL

by - 12:38:00

If you have not read part 1 or 2, click here and here respectively!

So let's move on to..

DAY 5 . . .

So we started our second day in Pattaya feeling fresh and ready to explore! Well, first off, breakfast first right. We did buy breakfast for the first day at the resort hotel so all of us decided to go to Central and find food.

To get there, we had to ride the taxi.. and no, not the normal taxi, it's the tuk tuk taxi, much cheaper and fun since it's like open space (?)..

wonder what my dad is laughing at.. and my cousin certainly do not look too impress lmao

a selfie for instagram! 

Along the way we passed by the beach, superb scenery!

Okay lah, I know it's nothing impressive but still heh.

Here's Central mall! Whenever we come to Pattaya, we will always go to Central mall to find food and buy stuff like groceries lmao.

I love how blue the sky is, so beautiful!
Because we were so hungry and the mall wasn't open when we got there, so we ate a little Mac Breakfast cause we can't tahan lol.

Once the mall opened, we went to the food court and find food! I tried their wanton mee since I was craving for it, no pics cause I devoured the food fast hehe.

There's only this much you could do at Central, shopping or eat that's all tbh.

The guys decided to get a facial there lmao since it was cheap
My bro and my cousin getting started HAHAH

After shopping for a little while, we all went up to Hilton Hotel to relax and drank some cocktails

View from Hilton Hotel 
A lot of people were taking OOTD or Instagram worthy pictures I kid ya not, girls with high heels were treating the place like some modelling studio LMAO. Poor boyfriends had to take pictures for their girlfriends again and again AHAHAH

We head back to the hotel to put our barang barang back before heading out to MASSAGE!!!! OMG. Super excited cause my purpose for Pattaya was the MASSAGE!!!!

No pictures cause it's a little weird to be taking pics when your having a massage lmao. But we cousins did the feet+back+shoulder+head package. Massage was shiok as always and it isn't the first time that I experience the authentic thai massage here but it was still a little new to me since it was my first time trying out this package.

Nevertheless, super shiok and darn, one day of massage isn't enough man sigh. Anyway, after massage, we head back to Central for food again!!

Central at night

By evening, the outside of Central becomes a mini night market, selling clothes, shoes and other cute and unique stuff all for cheap cheap price!!

As we were walking back, we spotted this shop selling soap bars in all kinds of shapes and sizes. But they smell damn nice! Like if it's in a shape of a corn, it smells like corn! There were watermelon, pineapple and other different fruits! So cool!!

Here are the snaps from day 5!

We then headed back to the hotel for an early rest since the fun begins the next day..!

DAY 6 . . .


Ohhh yes, you heard me right, BOATING! We woke up super early, around 7AM plus to head down for breakfast (in the end we bought breakfast lol) and then get ready to head out to the sea!

finding our boat 

So we rented a boat for the entire morning till afternoon to head out into the sea,

my mom with her big umbrella, oh gosh =.=

There were two decks on the boat, I stayed on the upper deck most of the time to lepak and take pictures heh. And um, if you thought that our boat is like those super classy yacht, then you're wrong.

I forgot to take pictures of the boat but er, it's quite a big and old boat so nothing fancy.

me when we headed out to the sea!
As you can tell from the pic, it was super windy. LIKE NO JOKE, SUPER WINDY AND COLD!!

I mean, can you believe it, COLD?! Like legit though, it was freezing cold plus the wind makes it even worst.

here's my bro looking grumpy as always lmao

But the view from amazing. Perfect scenery for instagram worthy pictures heh.

We stayed at a spot so that we could fish. Well, not me lah, since I don't but like my uncles and my cousins fished. They caught a few small fishes which was given to this auntie on board to cook meals for us.

Then the boat moved to another area where my cousins went swimming! Not me again, lmao cause I don't swim.

It was great experience since the weather was really perfect, quite chilly but not hot at all! One bad thing is that there were a lot of high tides and waves which made the boat very rocky and scary. Gosh, makes me feel like I was in titanic LMAO except a smaller version lol.

Oh and there's still connection to the digital world even when we were out at sea so I managed to post and snapchat a little! But I spend most of the time taking pics of the scenery and just lazying around enjoying the seabreeze.

By the time we head back to the hotel to freshen up it was already in the late afternoon. I stayed in the room to rest and watch tv while my parents head out to get stuff. I took a short nap and by the time I woke up, I was already hungryzz.

We head out for dinner with my dad's thai friend/working friend and she introduced us to this place for another round of authentic thai food! Yum yums! Not too far from where we stayed, it was like a 20 minute drive.

No pictures again so sorry cause I always devour the food first before thinking of taking a picture lmao.

It was our last night in Pattaya/Thailand, so I didn't want to concentrate on taking pictures, I just wanted to walk around without having to hold the phone for once heh.


After dinner, we decided to walk back to the hotel. It was a fairly long walk but since we were so full from food, it was a nice exercise heh. Went back to the hotel, pack and then sleep cause..

this brings us to our final day of this trip.. GOING HOME!

credits to my bro's iPhone 7 Plus

I was feeling sad cause it was back to reality sigh.. Here's me waiting for our van to the airport.. And yep, there were 2 vans and the second one was an hour late again sigh. But nevertheless, we manage to make it in time thank God.

one last selfie before saying goodbye

Bye bye Thailand! It was a very nice and relaxing trip but I guess it's time to head home and back to reality..

We landed in SG around 8 to 9PM, even though it was a 2 hr flight, it was tiring for me thought idk why. I use to love taking airplanes and travelling, I still do, but taking airplanes feel really tiring nowadays sigh. I don't know how these globetrotter does it man.

Anyway.. thank you for reading my #britsayssawadee series and I highly do recommend a trip to Thailand if you have never been there before!

See yall in my next post.. which would prolly be a makeup review soon! Hehe~

God Bless <3

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