Dear 28 year old me, Love, 18 year old year me.

by - 05:00:00

(gifs not mine)

Dear 28 year old Britney, 

This is 18 year old Britney writing a letter to you. As I turn 18 today, I feel like life has been moving very fast recently. 

When I was young, I've always wanted to grow up fast. Quickly finish all the education that I need to finish, get a decent job which I love and then get married and live happily ever after. I guess 8 year old me was that naive and innocent, thinking that life is that easy. 

18 year old me think very differently now. I'm probably growing up too fast I supposed? Haha, in a blink of an eye, I turned 18 today. Well, even though in other countries, 18 is considered an important milestone cause it signifies adulthood, but it's not like that in Singapore leh. 

Being 18 years old isn't considered being an adult here unfortunately haha. Maybe when I reach 21, I'll write another letter about adulthood? Haha, but for now, let's just pay attention to this 18 year old kid. 

So, back to where I was saying, I feel like I'm really growing up too fast. And to be honest, it's really too fast. Though there are certain stages in life that as an 18 year old I'm glad I have passed through, for example, completing the major exams that all students dread, the PSLE and the O levels. 

Whew, I'm so glad I've finished that stage of stressful examinations and mugging. As I'm currently still a student at a polytechnic, which makes me wonder 28 year old Britney, are you working right now? 

Hmm.. Is your career something you really want to do? I mean, you're kinda fickle minded ya know, so I'm not really too sure what you really really really love doing and want to do for the rest of your life. 

Also, at 18 year old, I actually planned to have a career that I love and by the age of 28, settle down lmao. But uh, are you living this life right now though? Or are you still a lonely woman who's still finding her prince charming (LOL)? Sigh. 

Anyway, you must have gone through several obstacles within these 10 years right? Afterall, life isn't a bed full of roses. Was school tough, was people being mean and annoying? Was stepping out into the working world scary? I mean since it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. I think these are stuff which people my age may think about as they prepare to hit their 20s in two years time.. Or, there might be some 18 year olds out there who don't really care about their future and all they do is wanna have fun cause probably everything is served to them on a silver platter.. But that's their problem. 

Yes, so I'm assuming you have had several obstacles along your way during your twenties. But I'm sure you are able to get through them right? With the help of the Lord, I hope you are successful cause that's what I want now as an 18 year old. To study hard, graduate, and work hard until I become successful. That is what everybody wants to be isn't it? 

And, well, partly because makeup needs money so.. hehe. I think your love for makeup is still there right? Are you spending majority of your money on makeup? Haha, I don't blame you. But still remember to save your money! Hmm, I wonder in 10 years time what kind of new inventions will there be in the beauty industry, hehe. 

Okay, I'm cringing while reading what I wrote but I'm still going to post this up. I mean that's why I made this blog right? Speaking of which, I hope you're still writing on your blog occasionally, in 10 years time I'm expecting more advanced technologies, probably something like flying laptops or typing with just our eyes lmao. 

I shall stop here, it was nice writing to you 28 year old Britz, I can't wait to see where this 10 years leads me next. So until then, I shall enjoy my life as an 18 year old. 

Love, 18 year old Britney. 

Hi okay back to the present time. So anyway.. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY~! YAY

I just thought about writing a letter to my "future 28 year old" self so that in 10 years time, I'll probably look back and when I read this post again. hopefully I had done what 18 year old me had said lol. 

Bestie actually asked me a few months ago what I would be doing for my 18 birthday and I just told her "Buy cake, sing song with my family lor". 

She was like "huhhhh that's all?? No parties and stuff?" And I was like nopeeeee. I mean, I'm not really a party person. Like I don't mind having just a cozy small celebration with my family only, I don't really expect much. (You can read my post on "I don't hold birthday parties" for more)

Plus, who has the money to go and book some hotel room and have birthday balloons all over. Need money leh please, not everybody is rich ya know. 

But still I'm excited cause counting down to my holiday to Thailand! SAWADEEE KAAAA, I'll be heading to Pattaya and Bangkok, will be taking loads of photos so that I could blog about it! 

God Bless <3 

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