Favourites: September

by - 07:58:00

Hi hi! I'm back with another beauty related post! I figured since the month of September is ending ((sooooo fast! School is starting in weeks!!)), and this month, I got a few beauty goodies which I loved, so why not do a September Beauty Favourites post?
Let's start! :)
 So firstly, my mom got me this brow powder when she was in Bangkok! I am not sure if you guys are familiar with this brand called IN2IT (( probably not cause its not available in Singapore)). It's only available in certain countries like Thailand and Malaysia. You guys can go and google :)

Anyway I have been using quite a few IN2IT products for a few years now ((whenever I go to Bangkok, I would literally buy loads of their stuff)) so when my mom bought their brow powder back for me, I was ecstatic to try it out. Also, I was thinking of buying a brow powder to try instead of always using a pencil one, so thank God!

So they have three shades of brown colors to choose from. I used a mixture of the middle and right shade. Oh and I used the left shade for contouring! See, this eyebrow palette is soooo useful! :D

The next product is also from IN2IT! This is their gel tint which I think is a new product because I have never seen these in the market before. I bought these from JB Watson's cause ya know, JB stuff is damn cheap compared to here. Plus, I love wearing tints cause they are super long lasting.
The only lip tints I wore was from Etude House, and since Korea is known for their lip tints too, I expected good coverage and results. So when I saw that IN2IT had lip tints that are gel-ish, I decided to try it! I forgot how much it cost, but it was damn cheap! ((if its not, I wouldn't buy it lol))
So the shades I bought is "melon" and "strawberry" ((yum yums))

As you can see, the colors are not that pigmented since its a tint, but its really long lasting! I don't have to keep applying it after a few hours.

Here's me wearing the melon shade using the "gradient" effect! I added only one coat, so the red isn't that.. redish..?

And here's me wearing a mixture of melon and strawberry shades, non gradient effect. ((oh and as you can see, my brows are filled in using IN2IT's brow powder.. I JUST LOVEEEEEE IT OMG.
brows always on fleek. sigh))
Moving on to the last product..

I am sure everyone knows what this is.
Yep, Maybelline Gel liner!
My aunt bought this for me in the US, so yup, originally from Americaaaaa~
I have always wanted to try gel liner, cause I've seen lots of beauty gurus using it, and there are lots of praises for gel liners too, so I decided to try Maybelline's one.

Used quite a bit already! Hehe. But ya know, gel liner dries super fast, so I was initially worried. But then I found a hack for this! To prevent your gel liner from drying up fast, just add a 1 or 2 drops of saline ((or contact lens solutions)) onto it, and it would be good as new!
I also add a few drops onto the brush since it could dry up as well.
One thing I love about gel liner is that they are super long lasting! And super easy to apply.
I have one more which is in the color brown.
Oh yes, in my above selfies, I am also wearing this gel liner! The first selfie was taken in the day and the second in the night. So as you can see, the gel liner still looks good as new!
Okie, I'm done with my September Beauty Favorites!
See yall in my next post!
Off to roll around in bed cause the haze is making me sleepy. 
God Bless <3

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