School is starting :(

by - 21:12:00

(gifs not mine)

Sigh. My vacation is ending and school is starting. Sad life.

So fast leh, two months of vacay is done. I feel kinda bad cause I didn't work this time for the vacay. It's like after spending up my savings in Korea, I'm suppose to like work to earn back all the money.

But it's so hard to find jobs especially since a lot of those part time jobs require people to work at least for three months. By the time I came back from holiday, I left only 5 weeks of vacay to myself.

Plus, this vacay lasted only 2 months. But I know some of my friends went out to work so I was like man you guys damn hardworking while I'm here at home lazying and being like a pig.

Anyway, vacay is ending and school starts next week. All the other polys started school this week already though except TP cause we started our vacay later then the rest of the polys.

Timetable came out yesterday and surprisingly not bad leh. I was hoping that I do not have to wake up early in the morning for 9am classes like how I had to for the entire year 1.

HALLELUJAH I have no freaking 9am classes except for one day. So for 4 days out of 5, I don't have to wake up at 6:30AM.

 One thing bad though is that when you start school in the afternoon, you'll have to end late. So almost everyday I end at like evening.

Pros and cons of an education.

Gonna savour the last few days of my vacay and cherish it cause by the time school starts, it's no playing anymore.

Oh and I went JB yesterday to "bond" with my parents (said my mom) and we spend time eating and shopping and MASSAGE. OMG.

Me and my mom went for thai massage (not bad leh) at City Square, my dad didn't feel like having massage so he went to tapow food.

Anyway, my mom got a aromatherapy massage on the back whereas I got a feet and neck massage. It was my second time experiencing thai massage. The last time was when I was in Pattaya and I remembered the lady masseur sat on my back but that's another story to tell. :)

The masseur will first wash our feet first before leading you to your comfy seat. My mom was in a different room cause hers was back mah, so I was led into the reflexology room.

They will then put a towel/blanket to cover your body before serving you warm cup of lemongrass green tea. You can also choose to have a blindfold if you are intending to fall asleep. I didn't want to cause I wasn't that tired. But the uncle beside me was snoring halfway through his..

She started stretching my feet before starting the real thing. For the last few minutes, they will massage your neck, shoulders and arms (hands as well). My masseur was able to crack my toes and fingers sia. To cut short my story, the massage was painful but shiok!!

It was painful for me cause my body had muscle ache from a workout that I did the previous day. Especially when she used her elbow and lean her entire body weight on my shoulder, I was screaming internally.

I did arms pilates the previous day ok, so my arms and shoulders were freaking aching.


Oh and the masseurs are from Thailand, so you will experience authentic thai massage!!

This morning when I woke up, I was like ouch-ing here and there because of the side effects of the massage plus my muscle ache.

I can't wait till my next holiday so I can go JB again to massage heh.

Okay, I'm gonna go roll around now.

God Bless <3

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