Beauty Talk: Skincare is important!

by - 13:45:00

(gifs not mine)

Okay, as yall know I've recently went on a holiday to Korea and bought like the "entire" Etude House back, LMAO. Fine, not ENTIRE but a lot of stuff especially skincare!!

I showed yall in my beauty haul post about this skincare line from Etude that I bought right, called the Pink Vital Water.

To be honest, before my holiday to Korea, I gotta admit, I was very horrible in skincare. I neglected my skin too much (too lazy to do skincare routines, not enough spf) which resulted in darkening skin, break outs, blackheads (ew), lots of dead skin etc.

My skin felt rough and doesn't seem like how a girl's skin should be like. Okay, I don't mean ALL women must have perfect skin lah, but at least must be presentable right.

Anyway, when I went to Korea, as yall know the weather there is like cold and windy so your skin tends to be drier, which is why I made sure I packed my moisturiser there. Fyi, my moisturiser was quite old already lol, have it quite sometime.

However, apparently my moisturiser wasn't working because my skin started peeling off omg. Especially my chin area, it started peeling and it was sooooo ugly. Sorry, no photo.

It was on the third day when the peeling happens. My skin also became even more dry despite me putting on my moisturiser. Thank God, I've already bought the skincare and it came with a trial kit.

So my mom suggested I use these instead of my old ones. 

For the rest of the trip I used these, though the peeling didn't stop straight away obviously because the weather was still cold and windy and my skin not used to it mah. 

But I trusted it and continue to use these throughout my trip and even after coming back home, I'm still using it. Though I'll probably see results in a few weeks, but I'm glad my skin is being hydrated everyday especially in this hot weather. 

I would recommend girls living in a country with climate like Singapore to get skincare products that are water based since it will produce less oil. I do find my face less oilier now since I'm feeding my face with water lol.

Getting Rid of Dead Skins

Another skin care product that I'm obsessed with is the peeling ones. What I mean is exfoliating your face, getting rid of the dead skins ugh. My mom bought a exfoliating product from Nature Republic and Face Shop while we were in Korea. 

We are currently using the Nature Republic one and it's soooooo good to use man. It's like my face becomes like a baby's bottom, damn smooth!! OMG. 

Previously, we were using this exfoliating product by Face Shop, which is a sugar scrub I think, it was more of a scrub than peeling. And it doesn't work tbh. So my mom chose a peeling one this time and it works like shit!! 

If yall wanna get rid of the dead skin, get a peeling one, not a scrub one cause they really don't work. Peeling ones are much better!

After coming back from Korea, I made a point to ensure my skin is well taken care of. What's the point in putting makeup when your skin is very bad? I mean I know makeup is used to enhance beauty and all, but tbh, if your skin is bad (and it's because you never take good care of it), then I don't see the point in wearing makeup at all. 

Do yall know, makeup actually clog your pores and make your skin worse if you don't take good care of it? 

My mom has been telling me to keep taking care of my skin because the more makeup I apply, my skin will get worse if I do not give it a proper treatment. 

I didn't listen to her and neglected my skin which resulted in blackheads and disgusting stuff ew. 

Getting rid of black and white heads

So I have a routine which I stick to in order to get rid of black and white heads. Before using pore strips, I'll make sure to cleanse my face first. 

I am currently using this facial wash by Face Shop. It specifies for blackheads though I am not too sure what it does too. But I figured out that it kind of make the blackheads more easier to come out I think. 

Because after using this for a few times, I realise that I was able to get rid of more blackheads very easily. However, if you think using this cleanser alone is enough to get rid of blackheads, nope, you're wrong. Where got so easy one please, still got extra steps to get rid of these disgusting thing, which brings me to the second step. 

I blogged about pore strips before right. After cleansing my face, I use pore strips to try and rip away whatever gunk that could possibly be ripped out. (does that make sense lmao). It feels damn shiok man when after ripping out you see all those gunk. Ugh. 

Anyway, after using pore strips, I move on to the final step. It is also a step (or tool) which I use to be scared of but now it's kind of my friend.. THE PIN. 

When I was around 13 years old, my mom would always try to use the pin on my nose to squeeze the blackheads out. I remembered crying and kicking around cause it was damn damn damn painful. I've always feared the pin. I couldn't stand it lor, damn pain please. 

Pretty much me when my mom comes to me with the pin..

I'd always stick to pore strips, less painful. But then I realize, pore strips sure work, but most of the blackheads are still there leh. It was getting annoying. 

Remember the phrase, "no pain no gain"?

Boy, that phrase makes sense man. Last time I needed my mom's help to use the pin to get the heads out, but one day I decided to just try on my own lmao.

That one day is actually a month ago tbh AHHAHAH. 

Anyway, ya, I took the first step in taking the pin to get rid of the heads, 

I kept telling myself, no pain no gain. Beauty is pain so, just do it!!


Major achievement unlock please. I guess you could say, as you grow older, you will mature.



Especially if you are a makeup user like me. Because we have foundations, bb creams, concealers etc on our face, it basically clogs our pores. Which is why we have to take good care of our skin daily to ensure that we don't break out and accumulate more blackheads. 

Once you take good care of your skin, there's no problem wearing makeup daily. But make sure that you have skincare products that are suitable for your skin! I think it is worth it to invest in good skincare products. 

Yes, I know it is expensive, but it is worth it trust me. It is definitely worth an investment since you are taking good care of your skin and making it beautiful! 

Like what my mom always say "No use being pretty with all those makeup on your face when your skin is bad." 

Okie, done nagging liao. Have fun being beautiful! 

God Bless <3

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