
by - 20:19:00

Hello again yall. Decided to write something here cause I'm bored plus there's nothing much to do when you're sick. 

Was coughing a little last thursday but thought nothing of it cause it wasn't that bad. Until the next day I felt like my throat was swollen (inside lah) and was coughing more. 

Mom gave me some medicine to take hoping no need go see doctor, afterall need money and all mah. 

When I get sick, usually my mom will give me some medicine to take hoping that there isn't a need to see doctor, but it always ended up going to see the docs cause need antibiotics. 

Anyway, I was suppose to lead worship for the Saturday upperlight but because I was losing my voice, my dad told me to rest since it's impossible for me to sing. So I rest at home on Saturday still taking sore throat and cough medicine.

Until the next day my mom was like okay better bring me go doctor and get antibiotics and the right medicine for my throat and cough. We went after church service where I had to wear a mask for the entire time so I don't spread the cough. Very considerate right. 

Then, just yesterday, I caught the flu, WTF. 

I started sneezing and had blocked nose. My ears were blocked too. If it was my sinus allergy, I wouldn't worry too much because I know it would go away since it's an allergy afterall. 

But because my ears were blocked, I knew I caught a flu. Everytime I have a flu, my ears will block one, I also don't know why. 

So I'm taking flu medicine along with the other medicine from the doctor's visit. 

Oh and I'm drinking a lot of water now since I'm taking a lot of medicine which apparently isn't too good for my kidney (liver?). 

The past few days I have been coughing like crazy just so I could get the phlegm out from my throat. It's so annoying cause it doesn't want to come out. 

And now I have to deal with blowing my nose often and trying not to swallow my mucus (yuck)

Okay, me being sick aside, I'm having holidays now btw. Just in case yall are wondering why I like so free like that. 

2.1 starts on the last week of April, so I have like 3 more weeks of free time. 

I feel bad cause I'm not working plus I used up a lot of money for the Korea trip. But like a lot of part time jobs want at least 3 months, I only got 3 weeks so cannot leh.

Waiting for tuition jobs as well since tuition is one way to earn money faster rather than standing around being a promoter while earning 6 bucks per hr. Sigh. That was me last year this time when I had a part time job after Os until poly started. 

Okay, I think I'm done ranting here. Off to watch dramas online. 

Ps: Have yall been catching up on Descendants of the Sun? I'm like so proud of it cause every episode kept on breaking the record for highest ratings. Sigh. 

God Bless <3

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