Updates! (Hello November!)

by - 12:20:00

I feel like its been so long since I last update.. though it has only been like 2 weeks? Anyway, the month of November is here! And boy it's passing by very quickly though. Typing this out cause I went to see a doctor for my throat infection and so I didn't go to school today.
I don't want to make it seem like this blog is dead which is why I am writing this now. So school has been hectic, as usual and so I find less time to write here. If I have classes till 7pm, I could't find any energy to write here cause I'd be feeling sleepy and tired after a full 10 hours at school. If I have classes till 1pm though, it'd be a lot easier. Well thank God my thursdays are usually quite relaxing since I've only one class on that day.
Anyway because of my throat infection now, I can't eat any fried food. :( I feel like eating ice cream, oreos and chips now omg. But I can't touch any of these. *cries*  I'm just filling my body with lots of water now cause I am assuming my throat infection was probably caused by heaty-ness.
I can't wait for term break tbh which is in like 5 weeks. But then it means that mid sems are like in 4 weeks omg. I better start studying now sigh.
But I really can't wait for december, it's like so many things going on - me and le best friend's birthday and christmas! I would say december is my favorite month! Oh and december would means just 3 months to Seoul! Excitinggg!
I guess for now school is priority, just 4 months left for this sem and I'd be done! Well, technically a long break before school starts again in end April 16!
Oh and I'm being frustrated with my phone now cause my battery can't last long in school so I have to bring a heavy portable charger with me from now on ugh. And it keeps heating up so fast even when I use it for a while ugh. >:(
Okay, I should stop here. Don't wanna bore you guys with my lazy stories.
I'll see yall soon! :)
God Bless <3

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