Life Update: School's out!

by - 18:18:00

Hey guys! Didn't get to post at all during the month of August because I was really busy. When I meant busy, I meant, really really really busy!

I had projects submission, tests and exams to study for for the whole month of August, so I kinda neglected this blog for a while.

But anyways, I'm finally back cause exams ended which means that holiday is here! Yes, I will be having a 1 and a half month break. 

This is kinda my plan for the break: sleep sleep sleep.

If you get to know me better, you'd realize that I love love love sleeping a lot. I'm always staying at home, why, cause my bed is here lmao. 

My friends always try to drag me out of the house which I sometimes oblige, but then if not I'd be like "no thanks, you guys go ahead I want sleep." 

Ya, it may seem like I'm kinda anti social, but idm, I just love to stay at home. This way, I could refrain from going out and spending unnecessary money. Isn't it a win win situation, stay at home with k dramas and at the same time saving money cause I don't need to spent them at all? 

Some of you probably asking, what about going out to work? Yes, I have thought about it. In fact, I have even asked a few stores if they were hiring part timers. But they all wanted long term part timers. Which means even after school starts, I will have to continue working.

I know some people are able to continue working even after school starts. But not me. Why? Cause I know myself. If I work after school, I will not have the time to revise, yes, some people are able to juggle both work and school (even CCA) but not me.

I'm a very lazy person, I know myself, I will not be able to spend time on school work if I'm that tired. I know some people have no choice but to work during the school term, they have to juggle both school work and work at the same time. For that, I really admire them.

Some people would call me lazy but I guess that's just how I am. I really don't mind working during the holidays, but once school starts I know it'd be difficult for me to juggle both school and work, I mean after all, I really need to study hard in order to raise my GPA. (Still not up to my expectations.. sigh)

Okay, let's not talk about these stuff now.

I'm just gonna use this holiday to catch up on my bible reading, dramas and exercising. I lost a bit of weight last month when I was sick, so I'm hoping to maintain it, it'd be awesome if I could lose a few more kilos idm hah.

Short post just to update yall, see ya soon! 

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