December is always my favourite month

by - 00:31:00

((gifs not mine))

I don't have a November Favourites post cause throughout the entire month I hardly bought anything new, so I've got nothing to show yall :( And also, I've got no favourite stuff for this month.

But boy where did the month go?! It seems like it was the start of november just last week leh. Time flies damn fast man. Maybe cause I was so concentrated in school, lessons, work blah blah that the month just flew by like that.

I was hoping for november to fly pass fast anyway heh. Why, you may ask. Cause I CAN'T WAIT FOR DECEMBER!!

There's like so many things going on during december - my birthday, christmas, holidays and countdown!! Plus, december signifies the end of another year so everyone would probs be like "ok gonna make a resolution for 2016 and I'll make sure I'll stick to it" but then yall don't and so the cycle repeats for the next year. LOL, think I don't know right! Which is why I don't create resolutions cause I know I won't stick to it lmao.

Oh and yes, my birthday is this month! Hints hints LOL! But yeah, being a december baby means having to wait 11 months till you get to blow out candles, eat cakes and receive presents/ang pows. I remember in primary school I used to be so sad cause I always wanted to celebrate my birthday in school with my friends ((with goodie bags and cake)) but then I can't cause by the time december arrives, it's the holiday already and school closes.

But as I grew up I couldn't care less now lol. I know some girls go all out for their birthdays right? Especially for 16th birthdays cause its your "Sweet Sixteen" so must be very grand and pretty, then wear tiara somemore lol. I know some rich girls do that lmao. But for my 16th birthday, it was relatively simple, with just my family.

 I don't need like a huge grand party with like guests and party and tiaras lol and I don't like parties like this anyway. Find them too materialistic. LOL. I find that as I grew up, birthday celebration demands are lesser. Like when I was young, I always want like party and big cake lah. Now I don't really need parties anymore. As long as got cake for me to cut ((and eat)) and ang pows ((presents for small kids)) given can liao. LOL.

Oh, and since christmas is in december too, means I get to receive extra presents too!! I mean, though I don't receive presents for my birthday now lah ((cause grown up already)), but ya know what I mean.

Speaking of christmas, aren't yall excited?! Hehe, I've always love christmas! Also apart from all the presents and carols, it's the Lord's birth. I always look forward for church service on christmas cause there's always gonna be something fun planned like christmas drama and worship where it's mostly carols. Then christmas parties where there's logcake!

The entire family ((and I meant, ENTIRE kampung)) would gather around and play games and sing "happy birthday" to Jesus heh. Fun times. Oh and exchange presents too! I remember when all of us kids were younger we will always be running around wearing christmas hats with presents in our hands. I think it's still the same as we grew older, except no running around anymore. More like sitting around and instagramming or snapchatting stuff.

December also means winter and snow! Winter has always been my favourite season. Yall must be like "but britney, there's no snow here in singapore" yeah, precisely why winter's my favourite. I've always wanted to experience snow but obviously that will never happen here in Singapore. I mean winter season look so fun, I can totally imagine myself holding like a cup of hot chocolate walking down the streets in winter season enjoying the snow fall lol.

I didn't get to experience snow until in 2013 when I went to Seoul! It was in december, winter season and had experienced my first snowfall!! It was damn magical lol!! I mean like for someone who's living in a country that will never experience snowfall, must embrace it mah!

But I also have a love-hate relationship with winter lah, besides loving the snowfall, sometimes I hate the cold also. I remembered in Seoul it was like minus degree and so I had a nose bleed cause my nose was frozen lol. Too cold also not that enjoyable I guess.

Writing this while feeling a little drowsy because I took medicine :( Take care of yourself guys, it's like sick season recently, even my mom and brother is coughing sigh.

Shall end it here, off to roll around in bed while listening to Justin Bieber.. Have yall listened to his album Purpose yet?! IT'S AWESOME. Recently I've been so into his music, I'll leave that for another post ok? Hehe.

God Bless <3

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