Pore Strips

by - 16:39:00

((gifs not mine))

Hey hey! Recently I've been so obsessed with taking care of my skin, or more like my nose. So I thought I could blog about something that I've been using for a few weeks now! As yall know, pores are such burden to us, especially those irritating black and white heads. I hate having to use those small blackhead remover thingy to scrap out those blackheads from my nose cause it's freaking pain and I always ended up crying.

But I still need to find a way to get rid of those blackheads right? Afterall I can't possibly leave them hanging around my nose ugh. I used to not care about it, but everytime I look into the mirror I'll see blackheads all over the nose and I'd be like

Some more I wear makeup, so constantly covering up my nose with powder doesn't help at all. I need a solution ((more like a painless one)) to get rid of those stubborn heads!

Which is why now I'm so into pore strips!! I used to use pore strips, but not as often because peeling them off was painful too. But what to do right, just because pain doesn't mean I should allow blackheads to stay on my nose right! After all, no pain no gain!

Compared to scraping them out with the pin, pore strips are way less painful. I used to be scared of peeling them off from my nose ((really damn pain, like wax strips like that hor)), but now I do it very often already, so not pain liao!

There are so many pore strips out there to choose from, but I bought mine from Watsons!

These are made in Korea, I prefer the pink one though. Cause I hate the charcoal smell, it smells bad to me :(

So before I apply the strips, I have to wet my nose first right? Because I'm too lazy to walk to the toilet and splash water onto my nose, I use this instead

Stole it from my mom. LOL. I think yall would have seen this on TV right? An ad on this featured Hong Kong actress Linda Chung. It's just water to me lah, lol. But I use this after my makeup is done too, to kind of set everything in place, Like a setting spray! Though it's just 100% water only lah.. 

Anyway, so I'll spray this onto my nose and then stick the pore strip on!

This is how the strip looks like.

Well hello there!! I added filter cause no makeup so my skin looks quite bad lol

I'll wait 15 mins before peeling it off. Don't worry, I never take a pic after peeling cause later yall vomit lol. 

So far I've been using these every alternate days, and my nose has gotten so much better! Lots of black/white heads came out thank God! 

Oh and it smells nice too!! The white one lah, not the charcoal, that one smell really damn bad man yucks.. 

If yall are looking for solutions on what to do with your pores/black and whiteheads, try pore strips, they do work! Though not as effective as the pin still lah. 

I mean the pin is 100% will work one cause it's scraping it out leh! But I can't stand the pain, so I'm just sticking to pore strips. Just keep sticking lor, sooner or later alot of the heads will come out one heh. 

Maybe one day when I'm more brave than I'll use the pin. But for now, pore strips are my friends :)

Alright, off to roll around! Byeee! :D

God Bless <3

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