by - 11:28:00

So I am writing this a month earlier ((November)) because it's gonna be a little long lmao. As yall know, me and le best friend, Claris has been like best buds/sisters since forever. If yall didn't know, then okay, let me rewind a little.

If I can remember correctly, we first met each other in the year 2007.. I think lol very long already, can't really remember. I was 9 years old then and she was 11. Flashforward, we are like best buds/sisters now heh.

Anyway, because I don't have a older sister, I basically treat her like one. We are not that kind of bffs that could meet up every single day and have sleepovers, nope. We could hardly meet because of school. At most we just whatsapp one another lol. I would say we are the type of best friends who do not have to talk to each other every day but we'd both know that we are always there for one another! ((Gah, I'm not that into cheesy and mushy stuff omg))

As yall know I am schooling right now and as a student, it's hard for me to earn like monthly income cause I can't work part time too much and neglect my studies. I know some people are able to do that ((good for you)) but I can't cause I can't manage my time well fml. But because I'm not working, I can't really buy like nice gifts for le best friend and I feel bad cause she's always the one buying stuff for me cause she's working now. ((okay not many but still)).

Okay, I should not talk about money now. What's a blog post without pictures? HAHA, I have a feeling she'd be really horrified by the pictures that I'm about to post here.

((Beware: Major unglamness but it's okay LOL))

HORRIBLE MAKEUP. ((4/5 years ago))

OMG. This was like 4 years ago..? OMG 

Please don't mind my horrifying makeup. Last time Korean makeup wasn't a trend, but the black and grey eyeshadows and thin eyebrows were, so forgive my horrifying shameless selfie pose. 
I remembered Claris was starting to get into makeup and all, plus I was always bugging her to wear some eyeliner lol. 
OMG, look at that horrible makeup and hair omg. Why didn't anyone tell me I look ugly last time? Claris would probably kill me if she see this picture, she'd be horrified I think by how she looked last time. Girl, if you're reading this, I am horrified by how I look too, so you're not alone. 
YAS, I had short hair that time!! Sigh. Claris getting prettier and prettier in the photos already! ((not that she isn't lah but ya know what I mean))  Hehe, wait till you see how she looks like now. LOL. 

Don't mean to brag, but I think we were both becoming more and more decent looking HAHAHA
Whenever we meet up, there would be LOTS of selfies taken lol, expected one.
This was last year!! 

when we went to Korea in 2013!!

The "neoprints" we took

When we went to JB 
This was when I asked her to company me to Wisma Etude House to collect stuff. 
And then we headed for Genki Sushi. 
The thing about Claris is that whenever we go watch a movie or eat something, she will like give in to what I want lor, so I feel kinda bad lol. Thats why I say I treat her like an older sister heh. 

But of course if she wants to watch a certain movie or eat certain stuff, I won't be like some whiny brat lah AHHA.

This is our latest selfie at her house! I blogged about it, so yall can check it out here

This was when we were filming for her YouTube video! Oh, yes, this girl does YouTube videos so check out her channel and support her ok? HEH
Did I mention she can cook?! LIKE OMG. She cooked Mac and Cheese for me when I went over and IT'D DA BOMBZ! Plus its my first time eating food that she cooked after so many years HAHAH. When you have a best friend who can cook = excuse to hop over to her house alot of times liao LOL

Anyway, as you can see from the title of this post, it's her birthday today! ((14th December)) Even though I'm writing this a month earlier (15th November to be exact)), but this would be posted on her birthday. 

So I just wanna say, HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY CLARIS! Don't cry when you read this ok, HAHA. But I just wanna say thanks for always being like an older sister to me, and spoiling me with gifts. Though we hardly meet cause of my school and your work, at least we have each other's back right?! I feel like we are fated to be best buddies cause even our birthdays are close! ((mine's on the 17 of December btw)) Cheers to 8 years of friend/sistership and more! Love ya! <3 

2 years ago when we celebrated our birthdays in Seoul
We were suppose to like "hang out" during december, but she isn't free on the week where I'm free :( She's only free during my exam week :(

Anyway, once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CLARIS! <33

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