Why I prefer Blogging than Youtubing

by - 13:11:00

((gifs not mine))

I thought I'd share my thoughts on why I prefer blogging than making videos on YouTube. I once thought making videos on YouTube would be so fun and I'm sure it still is! But for a lazy person like me, it'd be impossible to make videos almost every day or week and then edit them and then post it.

Making videos on YouTube is kinda fun, it's like a hobby. But for some people, it becomes their careers. I mean, you can earn like millions of bucks just by showing your face on a video. YouTube is where I learned a lot about makeup. I once "dreamed" of wanting to be able to make beauty tutorials and then posting them on YouTube.

((This is the first makeup video that I watched!!))

But you know, money is always a problem. It's hard to make a decent video when you don't have proper equipments like a video camera, microphone and editing softwares. I know lah, some people still managed to make a video even without the help of all these "professional" equipments though..

Anyway, way before I discovered YouTube, I discovered Blogger first. I was in primary school then and blogs were a thing! ((Before facebook, instagram and twitter came about)) My blog then was a personal one. Only my friends knew cause we'd exchange links and aim to make our blog look super chio.

Writing seems easier for me than putting my face on a screen and talking. I once blogged about my insecurity about my tooth and that is one of the reasons why I don't really like videoing myself cause I look like a hippo.

I know some people prefers YouTubing than blogging cause making videos is where you can really let people listen to your views and stuff, but it all comes down to preferences I guess.

For me, I'm just not that into making videos. I don't have the time to like sit down and film something, edit it and then wait for it to upload which takes super long ugh. ((I experienced the uploading process before ok)) Who knows, maybe in the future I might end up having the money to get like proper equipments and then make some videos. But for now, I'd rather stick to hiding behind the computer screen and just type stuff out.

Oh and uh, I don't really want to make this blog like some kind of lifestyle blog where it's just all about beauty and makeup and tips on how to blah blah blah. I mean, this blog is like my "safe haven", whereby whatever and whenever I feel like writing, it goes here.

It's like a semi personal blog I guess..? Like, I don't want to bore you guys with just reviews and makeup tips etc, I wanna talk about my life too ((not that my life is that interesting anyway lol)) But you get what I mean? Hehe.

Just a few days ago I was reading this article on GoodyFeed called "Difference between a Blogger and a Influencer" If you don't know what an influencer is, go read it. HAHA. Anyway, you might be like "britney, you also want be influencer is it" I'd tell you straight up, "Nope." I mean, yeah, getting sponsors is like "wowwwww" but nah, I don't think I wanna go that path of road.

This blog is just a hobby I guess. Something I would do when I'm free. But, I don't think I would ever go into full time blogging.

Okay, I think my rants shall stop here. I do have a account on YouTube but I use it to mostly watch videos lah, though I might have about only 3 videos that I made.. LOL.

This post is to just share my thoughts on why I prefer blogging than doing videos, I didn't say anything about "not doing youtube videos ever" cause I'd sound really hypocritical since I've already got 3 videos on YouTube lol. But ya know, just clarifying cause people these days are so judgemental.

Okay off to roll around cause MID SEM TESTS ARE OVER AND DECEMBER BREAK IS HERE!!!! 

God Bless <3

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