Reflect: 2015

by - 13:42:00

((gifs not mine))

I still can't believe 2015 is coming to an end and 2016 is so near!!

It's like it feels as though I just started poly like a month ago, but no, it has been 8 months already!! I left with about 2 more months till 1.2 ends and 2.1 will begin like soon. OMG

As 2015 come to an end, looking back, this year has been quite eventful.

Firstly would definitely be studying in a whole entirely new environment. To be honest, when I was in Sec 1, I was always worrying about my grades. Like what if I flunk the O levels and had to repeat, like my entire future would be overrrrrrrrr.

But here I am by God's grace, finished Os and managed to get into a poly and course of my choice! :D Had the chance to make new friends and experience how poly life would be like. Before I started poly, I was kinda afraid. Afraid that it would be difficult for me to make friends cause I'm normally a shy person.

However when I first attended the freshmen orientation, I started having the guts to initiate conversations which ended up me making a good amount of friends lol. Though it was a little awkward at first but we warmed up a little while later.

Secondly would be attaining a GPA that I had never expected for the 1st half of the semester. Again, it is by God's grace that I was able to get a GPA which exceeded my expectations. Praise God for that! This kind of motivates me to study even harder for 1.2, we'll see how I fair at the end of this sem lol.

Thirdly, stepping out of my comfort zone to serve the Lord. What I meant by this would be stepping out of my shell to lead worship in my church! I have always been super shy since young and I've always wanted to join the choir in primary school but I was too shy to do auditions.

I did went for a audition for Choir in secondary school and the conductor labelled me as "able to sing but not as good as some people." ((When I meant "people" I meant those who already had experiences singing in primary school)) I had the chance to appeal to change CCA from NPCC to Choir, but I chose not to cause I was lazy to go for another audition lol.

But I'm glad I didn't went cause NPCC was a fun experience throughout my 4 years in school.

Anyway, it was after O levels that my dad asked me to lead worship with him cause one of his female worship leader couldn't make it on that day. So I just agreed. I don't know why, I just had to urge to agree and try it out!

It wasn't praise and worship for the main service, it was like a pre main service. We call it "Upperlight" in my church. Held every Saturday. ((If yall wanna drop by my church, contact me! Heh, I'd be delighted to bring yall!!))

So my dad's a worship leader for the Upperlight and he has a worship team ((band)). The stage isn't too big, but it was still a stage after all. Surprisingly, I had no stage fright. So I begin in december 2014.

My dad actually arranged for me to worship with his team once a month and it was at this arrangement until June..?? Where he asked me to worship "full time" lol. Meaning whenever it's his team's turn to lead worship, I'm in. So basically, I'm part of the team now. Yay.

It's amazing what the Lord could do. Now I enjoy praise and worship with him not only because I love to sing but also it brings me closer to Him. I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to serve him in a way which I love.

I wouldn't say I'm super good at singing now and my vocal's soooo awesome and powerful. Nope. I'm far from that. But I believe that as long as I diligently train my vocal, I'd be able to sing well eventually.

I think these three are what summed up my 2015.. Besides these three, I can't think of anymore things that were quite eventful in my life.,

OH OH! Not forgetting, going back to Blogging this year! Really hope I could keep this blog for a long time! :D

For 2016....

I hope ((and am praying)) 2016 would be ((obviously)) better than 2015!! 

Be it in school, friends, family, relationships and my walk with God.

Hoping some things would stay the same and some things changes.  

Cheers to a better 2016!! HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! 

See ya in 2016! :D

God Bless <3

PS: Off to countdown at church later on!

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