Beauty Talk: My Interest in Makeup

by - 00:59:00

((gifs not mine))

For those who are not into makeup, I think you can like not read this post. LOL.

So I just wanted to blog about how I discovered makeup followed by my obsession with them.

I first discovered makeup when I was in primary 3? 9 years old then. My mom had loads of makeups, brands that don't really exist now. When my mom was like in her 20s, she always wore super thick eye shadows and red lips. You know in the 80s and 90s, the makeup is known to be super black smokey eye ((like your eye kenna punched)) and super red lips!!

She was the one who taught me how to wear makeup. At 9 years old, I started off by wearing simple ones like pink lipgloss. Then when I was 10, I played with a sparkly silver eyeshadow. I look ridiculous then omg. Some more I was so nerd nerd, with rectangular glasses. LOL. Still 有脸 to wear silver eyeshadow and lipgloss.

When I was 11, that's when puberty hit me lol. I started wanting to look prettier since I kinda know how to like boys already. So I assumed that "hey, for a boy to like a girl, she has to look slim and pretty."

That was the first time my mom plucked my eyebrows. I swear I cried like a baby omg. It was freaking pain and I was so scared of the tweezers. That time thin brows were still a trend, so my mom would plucked my eyebrows until they were super thin. It wasn't until I was 15 years old then the trend was Korean eyebrows, thick and straight. So I painstakingly waited till my eyebrows grew and groomed them myself. ((Yes! I don't go and thread my brows, I pluck and groom them myself!))

As yall can see, left one is how my brows were before I knew about the korean eyebrows trend! Right one is how my brows are now! :D

Another one for yall

Man the difference between the photos is about 3 to 4 years!! Wah, I changed so much leh. Okay lah, maybe a little only LOL. 

Anyway, now plucking my brows are a painless thing to me heh. I know some girls would find them super duper pain in the beginning, but trust me, once you keep on doing it, it gets less pain subsequently.

At 11 years old was when I discovered beauty gurus on YouTube. That's when I watched Michelle Phan's videos for the first time! Ever since then, I got hooked and that's where I learned a lot of makeup tips from her videos.

Also, I had the blessing of getting my first pair of contact lenses! As you know, wearing makeup with glasses is a little... weird. To me at least. So my mom kinda tell me whether I wanna try to wear contact lenses, so I was like "alrighty!" Plus I wouldn't look so nerdy anymore.

I discovered BB creams at that age as well. It was because I was hooked on kpop and k dramas. That year was the year when KPOP was starting to become a global phenomenon. Boys Over Flowers was my first ever korean drama and I was so crazy over it. While watching it, I sort of studied the makeup and was so freaking fascinated by how korean people's skin was so pretty!

pic not mine

That's where I learned that they used "BB Creams." My first BB cream was from Za! Not a korean brand yeah, but still it was a BB cream so I was excited!

pic not mine. credit to official website of Za

My first compact powder was also from Za! 

pic not mine. Credits to official website of Za
Soon as I watch more beauty tutorials on YouTube from various makeup gurus, my obsession for makeup grew! Some of my favourite makeup gurus would be ((the QUEEN)) Michelle Phan, Promise Tamang Phan, Angel from BeautifyMeeh, Judy from itsJudytime, and Bethany Mota!! There's so much more, but these are personally my favourites! 

Before I was into korean makeup styles, I was into black eyeshadows, thick eyeliners and thin brows! I am sure every girl would have her "goth look" in the beginning of discovering makeup.

I don't know if you could see my eye makeup, but could you see how black it is? LOL. This was taken in 2011 I think! When Belle ((little cousin)) was about 3! ((She's 7 now btw))

Soon korean makeup became a trend! It was all about super nice and white skin with straight thick brows. Winged eyeliner and minimal eyeshadows, hardly any blush on the cheeks followed by gradient lips.

pic not mine

pic not mine

pic not mine

DAMN NICE RIGHT. I love love love how korean makeup focus so much on making the skin so dewy and pretty!! 

Korean women ((and men)) super duper take damn good care of their skin one! They love love having that dewy effect on their skin cause it's like their skin is "glowing" But here in Singapore, it's impossible with the heat ugh. Plus, dewy dewy skin effect would make you look like you have super oily skin LOL. Cause it will make your face shine mah. It's only possible in cold countries I guess. 

No use having dewy dewy skin here in Singapore

So now whenever I watch k dramas, I always pay attention to the females's makeup!! Get to learn a tip or two! Heh.

Come to think of it, boy am I glad I discovered korean makeup trends. Cause I think it sort of suits me better and I love it very very much!!

I think different women suits different makeup style. If you are new to makeup, don't be afraid to try on different styles! Be it smokey or natural eyeshadows, red or pink lips, american or korean makeup styles, don't be afraid to experiment with it!

In my free time, I'll just whip out my eyeshadow palette and start applying different eyeshadow colors onto my eyes. This is to see which colors suits me best and whether I will like it or not!

It's kinda fun ya know, to play around with makeup. Do different types of eyeliner wings, different lip colors and so much more!! Hehe!

For those makeup beginners, look up tutorials on YouTube. They are sooooooo useful trust me!!

I know makeup isn't cheap nowadays, but you can try those makeup at Watson or Guardian! They are so much cheaper than those at Sephora!! You might have discount somemore!!

If not, buy online. I usually buy online heh.

Have fun and don't be afraid to explore! Fighting!!

God Bless <3

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