I don't hold birthday parties

by - 13:33:00

(gifs not mine)

It's just not really my kinda thing I guess. I don't view myself as a extremely sociable person. In other words, I'm not a social butterfly. I don't find myself needing lots of friends. I'm the type of person who has a few close friends and lots of acquaintances.

I'm the type who instead of going out with a lot of people, like in a super big group, I'd rather go out with 2 to 3 super close friends.

You could say I'm a little introvert but I'm also a little extrovert. Probably in between. Growing up I never had the chance to celebrate birthdays in school just because, well, I'm a december baby, so.. it always falls during the holidays, so there's absolutely no chance of me celebrating my birthday at school.

I used to be kinda bummed out about that whenever my primary school classmates was able to celebrate their birthday at school. I always sighed and just eat cake lmao.

Omg, am I making it sound like I'm self pitying? Lol, trust me though, I'm actually kinda fine with it in the end while growing up. I prefer to celebrate my birthdays with just my family.

Ya know, like a cozy celebration which includes BUFFET + CAKE.

I know the years 16, 18 and 21 are like milestones for youngsters like me. Hmm, let's recall.. What did I do for my "sweet 16".. Oh yes, just cozying up at home with cake!!

Which I don't mind at all really. I know a lot of girls my age had like parties with princess theme blah blah blah but to me I don't need all these. I mean, you celebrate your birthday every year..?? So, it's not like a big achievement or anything, so I don't really need to see why these parties are needed.

But of course it's people's own choice if they want like parties and all but for me.. nah, not my kinda thing.

And now as I'm approaching the 18th year old mark, nope, still no party no thanks. I wouldn't wanna spend money (or my parent's) on hotel rooms, balloons, champagne lmao or food for just that one day.

Well, I probably will in future when I'm older (but i dont think so cause it's like something a person in your mid twenties wouldn't do lol..right?) and have the ability to pay for all these. But for now, nope, no thanks.

So what will I wanna do for my birthday this year? Hmm.. well, I like food, so.. FOOD FOOD FOOD!!!! I don't expect presents lmao (went way past that era already) so FOOOOOOD.

Homer is me on my birthdays (or everyday)

Oh and uh I have a birthday post coming up on my actual birthday, it's a cringey post.. So uh, if you don't like cringey, please don't read it. I felt kinda embarrassed after writing it but heck it, I'm still gonna post it. Feel free to laugh at how cringey I am in that post brrrr.

God Bless <3

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