Coping with school

by - 19:19:00

(gifs not mine)

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I expected semester 2.2 to be tough.. but not this tough.

Ever since this semester started, I find myself getting super tired at the end of the week. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one.

Plus, along with SSM (Service Skill Methodology, too lazy to explain what it is, just know that it's not easy and it's like going to BMT like that), every week is difficult. 

I find it difficult to even wake up early to go to school, difficult to stay awake during lecture and class etc. 

It's like by the time it's friday, I'm just like

My mom was like saying how this is training us mentally and all but I'm just like.. what if our body (and mind) decides to break down. 

I mean we're not robots, okay, well, even robots malfunction sometimes isn't it?? 

Not even the weekends are enough for us to rest with all the shitload of assignments due soon. (That's why they say SG education is torture. Yes, it's good but it's stressful.) 

I am however, blessed to have parents who do not push me over the edge regarding my education. Yes, they remind me about my responsibilities now and then but they do not stress me out over my studies. 

But what about others? Those who have insane parents who stresses them out and keep telling them that what they are doing is not enough, with their grades they can't get into a good school BLAH BLAH BLAH. 

(I'm mentioning this because if you look at the stats of students or young teens who committed suicide because of their studies, it is heartbreaking.) 

A month ago I read a news article of a young boy (in SG) who jumped to his death on the day he received his exam results. He jumped because he failed two papers. His mother expected him to get 70 marks and above for every paper and if he do not meet his expectations, she'll cane him. You can read more here

Okay, I can't blame SG's education here. But rather, it's obvious whose fault is it. I understand how parents want their children to do well in school so that they can have a bright future and have a stable career, but shouldn't the children's well being comes first? 

Yes, I am not a parent so I do not know how they feel. But I am a child and a student. I know how the kids feel. I remembered in primary and secondary school, grades were everything obviously. Kia su parents always pushing their kids to be the top without realizing that they are pushing their kids OVER too much. And when the child cannot take it anymore, they snapped and break. Who's fault is it? Definitely not the child.

There's a limit to everything isn't it? Like I mentioned, even robots/machines NEED A BREAK. We all need a break once in a while so they we can "recharge" ourselves and continue working. 

Yes, push them if they are taking their own sweet time and not being a responsible student. Push them if they are always playing instead of studying. But if they're trying their very best to study, shouldn't parents be giving them all the support they need? Instead of constant remarks such as "why are you so stupid" or "I asked for 100 marks not 80" or "if you fail this exam you are not my child". These comments seemed overboard right? But you'd be surprised to see how much they are being used from a parent to a child. And not only SG, I'm sure this happens in other country as well. I'm no expert but parents aren't right all the time correct? 

I find that even though my parents do not stress me out over my studies, however, I am the one who stress my own self out. Because I know that it's my education and my future. If I do not be a responsible student who should do what she needs to do, then I'd be wasting all those education money isn't it? I'd be wasting my own time as well. 

After starting my education at a Poly definitely changed my thinking and mindset from how I was in primary and secondary school. Polytechnics are meant to prepare us for the working world. Because we are all going to get a job one day (unless you are a rich kid who do not need a job then good for you lol) so I like how we are kind of preparing ourselves for the working world. Because I'm sure if you throw me into the working world without preparing me, I'd sure cry lmao.

Okay, I better get back to the topic of this post lmao. Gosh I'm so good at digressing. 

Anyway, yes, coping with this semester. 

Well, I'm trying my very best to endure whatever is thrown to me. If you're like me, trying to cope with school too then just know that you're not alone. There are others who are going through the same thing as you are. 

If you fall once in a while, it's okay. It's a process. Just know that after that, you need to get back on your feet and continue the race! Like a marathon! Heh. 

As for me, I want to be near God at times like these. I know that he is the only one who can get me through this stressful semester. Because with him, all things are possible

I am currently a little sleepy cause I actually caught a flu on thursday. Probably cause the day before I got caught in a storm and my clothes and shoes were wet :(

Managed to get some work done even when I'm on medication so thank you Jesus. Also managed to squeeze in a little blog time cause I don't wanna neglect the blog lol.

Alright, time for me to go and rest! See ya soon!

God Bless <3

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