Unlocked a milestone, awaiting so much more!

by - 01:19:00

It's been too long since I last wrote on the blog. Last post was from february.. now it's June! Wow, many things had happened over the last four months.

Hmm.. let's see.. over the last four months, I've unlocked a milestone! I finally finally finally graduated from poly after three years! HURRAH!

To be honest, three years flew pass freaking quickly. WOOSH! I still remembered entering TP as a freshmen, wondering if I'm able to get through the three years of studying in a complete new environment. But hey, by God's grace, everything went smoothly. Though with a few ups and downs here and there, I managed to get my diploma.

Polytechnic life has been and always will be the most memorable chapter of my life and me growing up. It is where I experienced different things and encounter different people and friends. Not to mention.. a few eye candies here and there wink wonk ;)

The day I got my diploma was the day where I've close a chapter of my life. And now.. I'm looking forward for another new chapter.

So, people have always been asking me.. now that you've gotten your diploma, where to next?

Unlike the guys who have to go straight to NS for two years, the girls have two options: Work or university?

I picked the latter. 

It is something that I've already long decided since I entered poly. I don't want to take a gap year to work. I still want to continue my studies. Probably because I'm not yet ready to take on a full-time job I guess??

Anyhow, I am looking forward to university life though. It is the beginning of a new chapter in my life and I can't wait to start. Sure, it's going to be tough, but hey, the road isn't exactly filled with flowers and petals (does it make sense lmao but you get what I mean).

I have dreams and aspirations I wanna fill, so I'm gonna work for it. How about you? :)

God bless! <3

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