New year, new me..? Psh.

by - 00:30:00

(gifs not mine)


Okay, ya I know I'm like 9 days late. I've finally had time to blog cause after new year week, it was the start of school. It's the end of the first week of school thus I finally get to sit down and blog.

So I spend countdown at church and right when the clock hits 12 midnight, I immediately whipped my phone out and started whatsapping all my family and friends. Because of the new years messages probably from all over Singapore (and maybe over the world), Whatsapp hanged lol. So I had to wait till close to 1am before able to continue sending NY greetings.

Well, so far, 2016 hasn't be that bad..yet. Apart from going back to school, finishing up projects in time for submissions and failing one of my mid sem test fml, it's going well so far.. I guess?

People asked me what my resolutions for 2016 is, I told them "nope, don't have any." Well technically I don't make resolutions every year cause I know I probably can't keep them. I would try to stick to them for probably a few weeks and the forget about it afterwards lol.

But seriously, if I were to really make resolutions for this year and stick to it, it will probably be these:

1) Work out more often 

Do I need to emphasise on this? LOL. I recently downloaded a few workout apps on my phone. Have yall heard of SWORKIT? It's a fitness app that has a whole body workout, or just your butt, legs, abs and core etc. I did managed to use it before school started, however because of school, I've been tired more recently and time seemed to be taken away by assignments and projects. Thus I find less time to workout.

But I probably would workout when I have no school.. Cause school is enough workout for me lol.

2) Improve GPA

Life of a student here in Singapore. My aim is to gradually improve my gpa every semester so by the time I reach my last year in poly, I would (hopefully) be able to attain a gpa of 3.6 and above..?

Obviously in order to attain a high gpa, must first work hard right. Hence the intense long hours of burying myself in projects, assignments and book. But who am I kidding, I don't spend crazily long hours on studying lol.

3) Survive School (literally)

Self explanatory.

4) Do not give a shit about anyone. 

To be honest, sometimes we get into a bad mood is usually because of someone. Someone who makes our day go wrong, who cause us to get angry, sad or annoyed. And I think I don't wanna let anyone make me go from being happy to angry/sad in 1 second.

The best way to not let them ruin my mood is to not care. Simple I guess. Just not give a shit about what they say or do cause they won't be worth it anyway.

5) A closer relationship with God

This is the most important resolution ever. I feel like it is time for me to grow closer with God. He has blessed me so many times that I lost count, it is only right that I should grow closer to him and because I love him.

Ok ok, I shall try and stick to all these resolutions okay? Or at least the last one is the most important so I really need to stick to it.

But the first four I make no promises leh. But I shall try my best ok, LOL.

Anyway, I really do hope that 2016 will be a year where it won't be boring or at least my life in 2016 will not be boring.. Annnnnnd, hopefully 2016 will be a year of surprises (good ones) for me.

See yall in my next post! :)

God Bless <3

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