Beauty Review: Etude House Play 101 Contour & Highlight Stick + How I contour & highlight

by - 00:35:00

YASSSS am back with another beauty review!

It's been so long and I'm really excited to write about this one!! As you can tell from the title above, (don't kill me) it's another Etude House product again! Woohoo!! Okay, I think I'm the only one excited huh..

Anyway, I went to Seoul in March, that's why confirm got a lot of beauty products to review on especially Etude House's cause if you read my Seoul Sweet posts, you guys would know that I went super crazy over there. If you have not read it, here it is.

I will be writing about one of their product from their Play 101 line. So this year, Etude actually launched their Play 101 line, you guys would have heard of their Play 101 pencils right?

Bet you guys didn't know that within their Play 101 line, there are also various play 101 sticks such as their multi color ones which are multi functional, foundations sticks and their contour duo stick which I would be showing you guys in a second.

(pic not mine) 
These are the multi color ones that are multifunctional!

Before I bought this, I have never contour or highlight before. Probably cause I don't know how to and all I had was eyeshadows which to me was quite hard to use it to contour. 

When Etude launched this product, I was like "need to try need to try!!" 

So when I went to Seoul, I bought it for about 15,000 won if I could recall properly.. But I'm sure it's much more cheaper than the price over here. 

Having both highlight and contour at the same time makes it super convenient!

Okay so let's talk about what I like about this product. I like how the shades are just right for my skin tone. Ya know, some contour colors aren't suitable for certain people because of their skin tone, so I remembered just grabbing this off the shelf without checking if it suits my skin.

But I'm glad it did! The contour shade wasn't too dark for my skin and it does gives off the contour effect that I wanted. The highlight part is also very pretty lol, it does what it's suppose to - shine the face. LMAO.

Oh, and it is super duper easy to apply on! Like it's very easy to drag (okay glide) it across my face.

Okay, anyway, there's one thing that I don't like about it though. The product finishes so fast! OMG. I don't know if I used it a lot, but when I twisted the stick to take the above photo, the contour part left like 3 cm only!

I was like "omg so fast finishing?!! NOOOOO" Knowing that it would finish so fast I could have bought another one when I was in Korea!! UGH.

The highlight portion got quite a bit still, just the contour part. I think I use more contour than highlight lol.

I don't know if it's suppose to blend it very easily cause it's a cream product right, but I get really tired blending the contour lol, or I think I'm just weak sigh, better start working those arm muscles!!

Okay, so I'll rate this product - 4/5!! Minus 1 cause it finishes so quickly!!

Wanna see how I contour & highlight?

pardon me for my not so on fleek makeup, I took this after spending the whole day at school so my makeup all vanished sigh

So the features where I would contour would be - cheekbones, jawline and hairline and nose.

This is because I wanted to make my face and nose look a little sharper and slimmer.

Features where I will highlight - nose bridge, cupid's bow, chin, above the cheekbones, brow bone and center of the forehead.

This is so that these features will stand out and be brought out.

Usually people contour and highlight is so that they would be able to hide and bring out certain features of their face. So why go for surgery when there's makeup? Heh.

But of course it's up to your own personal opinions, not that surgery isn't bad or anything. But I'd prefer "if no need, what for do."

Oh and I know a lot of people don't do contour and highlight now right? Now it's strobing instead hor? Sigh, time to master another skill again!

I think strobing will be easier right since it only involves highlighter..

Ok! I will go and learn strobing then I'll come back to yall with a new post and maybe do a comparison between C&H or strobing? Hehe.

What are the other makeup trends as well? I remembered after strobing there's another right.. But I just can't remember.. Hmm..

I forgot to mention, I will then use the beauty blender that I got from Korea (nope unfortunately, I do not have the original beauty blender that cost 30 bucks from sephora) and blend everything out.

Contour and highlight has become a part of my makeup routine that I'd feel weird if I stepped out of the house without it. For me, if I'm running late, I will only proceed to contour my nose cause the nose seems more important to me though lol.

I think I bore you guys enough with all the beauty talk right? Okie, I shall see yall in my next post! Adios!

God Bless <3

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