Seoul Sweet 2016 part 1!

by - 17:45:00

Hey guys!! I'm finally back from my Korea trip! I'm typing this out a day after coming back. Still a little tired cause we landed at like 10:30 PM yesterday (typing this out on the 20th March) because there was a massive flight delay from HK to SIN.

Anyway, I might split this post into parts if it's too long since I've got quite a lot of photos. Also, at the end I'll show yall my huge makeup haul!!

Me and Claris on the plane. I woke up at 3:45 AM cause the flight was at 8 plus in the morning and my parents were like kiasu so we gotta be at the airport by 5:30AM. 

We took Cathay since it was cheaper and we took a 3 hr flight to HK before getting on another 3 hr flight to Incheon. 

So we stopover at HK for some nice food like wanton mee, fried rice and porridge. Oh, we were travelling in a 11 people group btw.

I was super excited the moment we landed, it was about 7pm in the evening and it was dark already. We then headed towards our guesthouse. The rest stayed in the hotel but our family wanted a guesthouse because we wanna feel "homely" and didn't wanna spend so much on a hotel since we wanna spend more on shopping. 

So this time, we tried a different guesthouse. It's called MOM House and it's located at Myeongdong. Do you know that MOM House is actually own by Super Junior Kyuhyun's parents? There were lots of pictures of Kyu in the guesthouse. 

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the interior of the building (the lobby, cafe etc). So we checked in and went to our room. We had booked a family room since there's 4 of us. 

This is the entrance to our room. As you can see, there are collages of Kyu all over the wall. There's also a shared kitchen at the lift area (sorry no pictures cause I forgot)

I took these pictures halfway through our holiday cause on the first day I was so excited that I forgot to take pics of the clean room. LOL but here's our messy room. 

My parents slept on the bed on the left whereas me and my bro slept on the bunk bed, I chose the upstairs one! Hehe. 

This is the toilet, though it's small but it didn't matter. 

I like the wallpaper, so inspiring. 

We have a tv, a fridge (quite tall leh) and a wardrobe! 

On the first night (12th of March, Saturday), my sinus allergy acted up, I kept sneezing and sneezing. Was so annoyed that I ended up taking allergy medicine. I was like "omg, I don't want to suffer during this holiday leh because of my allergy." 

I kept praying for healing since I really want to enjoy this holiday!! The next day, we went for church service at Yoeido Church, they had headphones for foreigners where there's interpretation. Thank God, on the second day onwards, my sinus allergy was gone and I was healed! :D

After that, we headed to Gyeongbokgung Palace! It was an ideal place for candid photos since me and my bro was finding nice places for photos to post on our instagram lmao. 

A panorama view of the palace.

I snapchatted a lot during this trip cause we rented a wifi router from Changi Recommends! It was so convenient because of this router! :D

Me and my brother!

Me with my zodiac

I felt like I was in a historical k drama with these guards!! They are able to stand like this for so long!! OMG. 

Oh we also went to Prayer Mountain after the church service! I talked about it last time in my 2013 trip. This time, we were not able to go into the sanctuary cause it was closed so me and my bro roamed around for pictures. 

Me smiling very awkwardly

This is namdaeumun market! Because it was in the evening so it isn't that bustling yet. 

Walking from Namdaemun market back to Myeongdong

Back at Myeongdong

Was damn excited cause everywhere was makeup!!

Hongdae!!! Where all the young people hang out!!

 Because we had to try bingsu when we're here!!! 


SAMGYETANG!!! We had it at Hongdae!!

Okay, I'll show yall the rest of the photos in the next post cause it's quite long! 

God Bless <3

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