Bangkok/Pattaya 2016 - #britsayssawadee! PART 1

by - 13:24:00


Cannot believe how it's 2017 already.. sigh. Every day is passing so quickly.. just like how my trip to Thailand passed by so fast! Anyway, yes, I went to Bangkok/Pattaya on the 24th of December! Just before Christmas, in fact, I am typing this out now on the 30th of December as I just came home a few hours ago. But yall won't see it until new year heh cause I wanna write everything out first before publishing it one by one~

I'm so excited to share with you my trip to Thailand so here we go!

DAY 1 . . . 

Our flight was at about 12 plus in the afternoon so we headed for the airport around 9:45AM. My mom is so kiasu she says we better be there early lol. Oh, this trip to BKK/PTTY was with fam bam (that includes my cousins, aunts and uncles).

We took Thai Airways as usual (standard airlines that my parents will take if we ever travel to Bangkok).

Specially filtered for Instagram. Oh yes, we decided to get the AIS Traveller SIM card at Changi Recommends for SGD13 bucks. Yes, even though it may seemed a little ex, especially since there are 4 of us but we chose to get it here at Changi Airport instead of at the Thailand airport because there are hardly any queues here, 

Boy were we right when we landed. The moment everyone got their bags and went out, there was a long queue for the SIM cards, thank God we got ours already and so we were able to use the internet as soon as we touched down! 

By the way, the traveller SIM card that we used has unlimited data of 2.5GB for 7 days usage. For someone who uses social media everyday (especially Instagram and Snapchat), the SIM card was really useful. 

Plus, it is also convenient to communicate with one other as we not only can whatsapp, we can call as well. But since we have unlimited data, all of us used whatsapp and whatsapp call most of the time, 

I would recommend getting the AIS Traveller SIM card for those who are travelling to Thailand! Get it at Changi Recommends if you do not want to queue. Plus, it's only a 1 dollar difference between the price here in SG and in BKK. (SG is 13 bucks, BKK is 12 bucks) 

Alright, so anyway, as soon as we land, we took a taxi to our hotel in Bangkok! So the plan for this Thailand trip was to spend 3 days in Bangkok and then 3 days in Pattaya. (Warning, bad idea to stay in BKK and then go to Pattaya, you'll know why later on) 

Whenever our family travels to Bangkok for holiday, we will always stay the same hotel. In fact, for more than 10 years, my family will always stay this particular hotel. 

Pathumwan Princess Hotel. 

I would say it is like our "second home" in BKK. The room we stayed in was amaze-balls, it was a suite since my dad is sort of like a member of the hotel. I mean, my parents knew almost everyone in the hotel. And the staff remembers them as well. Get what I mean when I said it is like our second home lol.

Before I show yall the pictures, I kinda forgot to take pictures of the bathroom which is like the main area cause the bathroom is HUGE. Like it has not only a shower BUT A BATHTUB AS WELL. And its a little big that you can actually walk around the bathroom lmao. Ok anyway back to pictures. 

This is what you see when you first step in

Don't mind my bro, he was being weird.. as always. LMAO

the TV and study area..

They have speakers for us to connect our ipod in but sadly only the older iPhones or iPods can fit. 

Complimentary bottles given as always (my mom love to ask housekeeping for 10 extra more gosh) and espresso machine! I have never used an espresso machine before so I was so excited to try. Plus, it's complimentary as well. 

Study table which has notepad + pen and the phone. We all love to seat at that area cause the chair's comfy lol and also the charging area is there. Now you know why my bro is hiding in that corner (looking like a grumpy old man) AHAH. 

living room area!

Okay, yall must be wondering.. why is there a bed in the living room? Well cause my bro sleeps there heh. You see, there's four of us in a suite. There's only 1 king size bed. So obviously we need another 2 extra beds right. So 1 bed was a portable one (the ones where you can fold it and wheel around) while the other was the sofa bed!

Yep the bed you're seeing in the picture is a sofa bed! We kinda did a little interior arrangement the moment we came into our room. Shifting furniture here and there oh gosh, felt so bad for the housekeeping people.

So basically we pushed the sofa bed to one corner and shifted the sofa from the inside room out into the living room. Plus, bringing the sofa from the room out into the living room could make space for the other bed.

the entrance to the inner room!!
It's a sliding door by the way. Yeah, as you can see from the pink chou chou, that's my bed.. Or it was anyway. I switched with my dad cause I was so cold as the aircon was facing directly on me. So I ended up sleeping with my mom on the kind sized bed while my dad slept on the single bed.

Another TV and that door is the entrance to the bathroom!
Darn it! I actually did a room tour on my Snapchat and I forgot to save the snaps! :( Ish okay, next time!!!!

Anyway, so after we settled down into our rooms, we headed out to MBK Shopping Centre. In case yall don't know, Pathumwan Princess Hotel is actually just right next to MBK (Ma-Boong-Krong), they are basically linked so it makes it very convenient for us. (One of the reasons why we love staying there.)

There was a "pasar malam" happening outside MBK where lots of cute little souvenirs, clothings and even food were being sold! We were super hungry as it was dinner time so we headed downstairs.

welcome to the winter camp market!
Specially during Christmas period I guess! But there was just lotsa food and drinks there!!

Pad thai!
Come to thailand obviously must eat Pad Thai right?!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE PAD THAI!!! It is something similiar to kuay teow but more sour-ish. Oh and did I mention? EVERYTHING IS FREAKING CHEAP LIKE WTF.

see what i mean?!!!
Thailand is truely the place where you can get authentic, thai food for CHEAP PRICES!!!!! A bowl of wanton mee is less than 3 bucks?!! WOOHOO

Am I tempting yall now by showing these pictures lol? Even I myself is drooling as I'm typing this out. Sigh. Should have tabao back to SG.. 


Here's a compilation of my snaps that I took at the market!

I had coconut juice as well! I think this trip is where I ever drank a lot of coconut juice in my entire life lmao. Idk but like the moment I am in Thailand, all I ever want to drink is coconut juice.

The first day we didn't really do a lot of stuff since most of the time is travelling.. So let's move on to day 2!

DAY 2 . . . 

Of course must start the day with breakfast right..! I've always looked forward for the hotel's buffet breakfast whenever I travel. It's cause when I'm back at home, I will never eat this type of American style breakfast cause who the heck has time to cook a delish breakkie like this? Sigh.

I literally ate omelette for the three days I was there. I used to love scrambled eggs but now I'm into omelettes! Especially the ones where the insides are still a little runny.. YUM!

Anyway, day 2 we are off to Or Tor Kor Market

I think it is some where near Cha Tu Chak as well but since day 2 was Christmas, CTC confirm a lot of people so I think that's why we went OTK instead. 

we took the mrt!!

any idea whats this..? hehe
This little coin look alike thingy is actually used to scan the gantry at the mrt! It's equal to the cards that we use back at home! At first we were all like "eh what's this coin look a like thingy", I thought we gotta insert it in but actually we just scanned it normally lol.

ft fat thighs

Or Tor Kor market!

Another round of Pad Thai cause 1 is never enough!!!

just look at that xio bak!!!!!

I wouldn't say Or Tor Kor Market would be a place for youngsters cause it was really hot and humid and it kinda makes you very tired. Apparently only the aunties were able to shop and buy lotsa stuff lol. We took a taxi back to the hotel cause we find it too hot to take the mrt all over again.

Once we got back to the hotel, we rested a while before starting the shopping down at MBK! See how convenient it is with a shopping mall just downstairs heh.

Me and fam had dinner at Sukishi! Where each of us gets our own individual steamboat and we get to pick dishes from the travellator for our steamboat. Super affordable and delish! :D

Compilation of day 2 snaps! (Not everything is in here cause I didn't snap everything)

Alright, thats all for Day 1 and 2! I'll see yall in the next post for the next days! :D 

God Bless <3 

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