Studying Tips!

by - 07:53:00

((gifs not mine, credits to their respective owners))
As a student myself, studying is part and parcel of life. We definitely cannot avoid studying, if we wanna pass, studying is a must! ((heyy it rhymes!))
I won't call myself a "perfect A" student because I never was. In primary school, I did average for my PSLE. For those who don't know what PSLE is, it basically stands for Primary School Leaving Examinations, where every student at the age of 12 years old ((primary 6)) have to take this exam to determine what grades they would achieve in order to apply for a secondary school.
In primary school, I wasn't the super smart student, my grades were average. ((sigh)). However, by God's grace, I was able to get into the express stream in secondary school. Throughout the four years, ((due to always playing around and not paying attention in class sigh)) I was failing majority of my subjects.
It was so bad that after SA1 during Sec 4, I had passed only 1 subject ((out of 7 btw)). My parents were called to the teacher's office.
It was then where I kinda "woke up" and was like "I better buck up!" because it was like a few more months to O levels, and nobody could afford to fail!
Praise God though, I managed to exceed expectations and did well for the national exam. Now, I am currently a student at a polytechnic! ((annnd another hurdle to cross.. getting a good GPA!!!))
So here are some studying tips I wish to share for those who are a student like me. I don't know if these would work out for you but feel free to try them! :)
A) Always put away devices that would distract you. 
Let's admit it, in today's world, no one could live without their smartphones or laptops ((guilty)), which is why in order to ensure you are concentrated only on your books, we have to put away these stuff. For me, I made sure my phone is off and far away from me. As a poly student, I had to have my laptop on because I need it for school work, so you could see that the temptation to drift away from the books and going on the internet is strong. Which brings me to the next point.
B) Practice self control
It's all about the mentality I guess. When I was in secondary school, I always had to use my phone ((I didn't had my laptop then, only a computer which has a password that I didn't know)), which kinda made me fail very badly in school. However, I learned to control myself now that I am in poly. When I had my laptop on because usually practice paper's answers would be online, I made sure that I use it only for checking answers and then when I am done, I off it, and go back to my notes. I think that as long as we all practice a self control, it would be easier to study and maintain a distraction free "studying day" ((lol))
When I was studying for O levels, I didn't construct mindmaps. I thought it was like a waste of time and thought it wouldn't help me. So instead, I wrote notes. But really, looking back I feel so stupid. Because I was actually just "copying and pasting" info from my textbook into a blank piece of paper. And it was actually hard to digest, sure it made me remember some points, but it was all over the place in my brain, so it didn't really work. ((though I still manage to pass lol hallelujah!)) So this time, as I was studying for my poly exams, I started doing mindmaps.
Using lots of colorful pens and pieces of papers, I did mindmaps for some of my modules that required intense remembering of content. IT DID HELPED MY BRAIN THANK THE LORD. It was so easy for me to remember which points belong to which "category", and it's convenient too. Like I could just whip it out and just stare at it, even before I entered the exam hall. Instead of flipping through written notes that were copied and pasted lmao.
But it's just my preference and it works for my brain, allows me to remember better. But if it doesn't work for you, maybe you could share how you remember things! Just feel free to comment below! :D
D) Always start studying way before the exam
This was one thing I never did in secondary school ((regret regret)). I was always studying like few days before! ((yeah, which resulted in super bad results)). So this time, I started constructing my mindmaps a month before the exams. I know some people started like 3 months before ((wah that one really damn on.)), but I am a chillax kind of person? LMAO. ((yes yes, my horrible secondary school results.))  Anyway, I think studying way before the exam could actually give your brain time to remember stuff, and make it a habit to actually go through what you studied over and over again so that your brain would not forget!
E) Remember to take a break
We are not robots! We can't do something for hours after hours. So, always remember to rest your brain and take a break! Okay, confession time. Sometimes my break would be longer than the amount of time I studied. But hey, at least I managed to get work done right?  What I usually do when taking a break from studying, is to just lay on my bed and rest my eyes. If not, I would probably be in the kitchen finding food.
F) Pray.
I don't know what your religion is, but for me, growing up in a Christian household, I have learned to pray whenever I do things or when I just feel like talking to God. I have make it a habit to always pray before I start studying and before I take a paper.
Okie dokes! So these are what helps me to study more effectively. It might not work for you, so feel free to share your studying tips! :)
Oh and uhh, for the record, if you don't get an "A" after doing all these, don't blame me, cause I am not sharing tips for you to get an "A", these are tips that would help you study more effectively and more productive..?
Anyway, I am racking my brains on what to write for leBeauty stuff cause I hope to write more beauty related stuff here.
So, see ya in my next post!
((gonna go roll around))
God Bless <3

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