Done with exams and this semester!

by - 11:40:00

((gifs not mine, credits to their respective owners))
Today was my last day of exam, so booyah! Its party time!
okay, just kidding. I hate parties like this.
What I am most probably gonna do now that exams are over is.. sleep.
Just gonna hibernate the entire holidays.
... I wish.
Unfortunately I thought that once school's out, we get to compensate for the sleep that we loss because of school and studying.
Well, how wrong am I.
Cause when school's out and exams over, its time for work.
Yup, you heard me.
Ugh, time to go online or search newspaper ads for part time jobs to last me a month and a half.
I remembered after O levels, I had to find my first part time job. Afterall, there's no way my mom would be letting me waste myself and my time around at home doing nothing for about 5 months. My first part time job was with my pals doing some event thingy at Expo. We had to attend briefings and then travel all the way to expo for the job. Well it wasn't bad at all I suppose. Though after the whole event, I became so tired and it was like dark by the time I reached home. But it was on that day when I received my first pay check!
It wasn't that much, but it was kind of like a stepping stone. Soon after I begin looking for more jobs, I tried finding jobs so that I could work together with my friends, but I knew it was impossible to work together.
I begin working as a promoter for baby clothes at Taka, I went on to work from Jan to mid april? It was definitely tiring since I needed to stand for like 8 hrs and if there is no customer around, its really really boring.
When it was time for me to start school, I finished my last week at work and boy was I proud of myself lol. I mean, able to work for like a few months and managed to earn quite a bit of money. Hehe.
But I guess its difficult for me to find jobs since most jobs need to like work on the weekends, and since I have already committed the weekends for church, I can't work on weekends.
But oh well, I just hope I would be able to find a job and quickly earn money for next year #SIN2SEOUL.
Yup, I am heading back to Seoul next year again!
Anyway, it's kinda fast how the first sem has already ended. Like wow.
And like the year is coming to the end already, so fast!
Oh well, I can't wait for my results to quickly be out lol.
Oh and I should start working on my Color liquid lips review.

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