Proud to be a Singaporean

by - 07:20:00

This post is a little late, seeing how national day is over. I wanted to write this a day before national day, but I was too lazy lol.
Okay, so everyone around me would know that I am a very patriotic person. I have been like this since young, ((though there were times where I don't sing the anthem during secondary school cause I was too lazy to)) but I remember when I was in primary school, I had always sang the anthem loud and clear. ((managed to even hit the high notes lmao)) I made sure to always recite the pledge ((even if I don't sing the anthem)), I would say it loud with pride.
Whenever it is close to August, I would always annoy my friends by singing all the ndp songs, and talk about how patriotic I am. Even now in poly lol. Just a few days before the SG50 holiday started, I kept going on and on about how patriotic I am, to my friends ((until they were super annoyed)). I even did a SG50 oral presentation for Writing and Presentation module.
I can't help it, I am just that patriotic.
I also made sure that I will always catch the parade ((on tv, not at the venue itself)) on 9th August. This year, it was the same. I was more excited though, since it's our golden jubilee year and there would definitely be more special things to look out for ((apart from JJ lin <3)).
So this year's parade was definitely quite interesting compared to the normal parades each year. Apart from the super duper cool fighter planes forming the SG50 and flying here and there, I also liked that first chapter of the act, where they introduced Sang Nila Utama and Raffles. ((it was really really cool)) 
Anyway, I know alot of people aren't that patriotic as me and usually I've been asked why am I so patriotic? Well, I have no idea myself. It's just that I love my country. I am proud to be a Singaporean. I am thankful and grateful that God has given wisdom and knowledge to our forefathers whom turned this third world nation into a first.
I mean, just look around us, this garden city. ((though I am not really fond about the insects..)) It's really amazing how a little red dot is able to become a metropolis. People said Singapore wouldn't make it then, but look where we are. ((uh oh, my patriotism is flowing out)). 
I don't think I would ever migrate to another country in the future. I just love it here! ((except for the weather sigh)) But other than that, Singapore will always be my home! ((and come on, food here is SUPER GOOD. don't disagree, everyone knows our local delicacies are awesome!~)) 

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