Life Update: Back to school.. ugh

by - 17:00:00

(gifs not mine)

So, after one and a half months of waking up late and enjoying the holiday, it's time to go back to school! Aw man.

Yes, I know I know, there's a time for everything, so I guess it's time to go back to being a responsible student and go to school.

But this semester is gonna be a little different, I'm gonna have this super challenging module where it's for a whole full day and I will have to wake up at 5AM or even earlier just to do my hair and makeup. (Cause it's a 8AM module). I'm not gonna explain much cause it's complicated but it's just like being a waitress at a restaurant.

And because of this module, everyone in the course has to dye back their hair to black. Boo.

All the best to me and everyone, it's gonna be no different from going to the army. Well it might be worst idk.

Anyway, enough talking about this. I'm glad my timetable is quite reasonable, two days of 9AM classes only (excluding the 8AM module), oh and I'll be taking basic Japanese class as my last CDS so am quite excited! Konichiwa!

Okay, let's stop talking about school. So last week I actually went with bestie to Bugis for the Etude House Life Is Sweet carnival!

Basically, with every purchase (of any amount) you make at the store, you will be able to get a chance to play games/face or hair makeover. And which you will be able to get stamps on your little booklet and when you have 5 stamps, you'll get a goodie bag!

So bestie bought something and I knew she wouldn't wanna play any games so I offered to play for her. Played three games and unfortunately I lost all three (I suck at carnival games sigh) and so I couldn't get any prize boohoo :(

But we still get stamps for participating! The last stamp that we got was from a face makeover. I asked bestie if she wanted to try and she didn't want to so I went instead.

Now because I already had makeup on, the makeup artist did touching up instead. It was my first time having someone do my makeup for me and I really liked the experience, made me feel like a kpop star LMAO.

The Etude House's makeup artist first re did my eyebrows and I was amazed. Like literally WOW. She told me I should draw it longer as it suits my face shape. Don't worry, pics will be shown at the end of this post HAHAH.

I told her I wanted to try their new 101 Blending Pencils for the eyes and so she did a look for me which I really really loved!!!! She also contoured my face and touched up on my lips. I learned a bit from her as she gave some tips which was super useful.

I actually took this so that I could send it to my family chat group lol

Bestie took all these pics (really glad that I asked her to go with me!!) 

Here's a snapchat vid that she took~

So this is the eye look that I got! I don't have the 101 blending pencils yet but I definitely would get them in future! Just not now cause it's expensive in the retail stores.. Hoping that I will get the chance to go back to Korea again to do more shopping!!! 

And let's talk about the brows please. LIKE OMG I SUPER LOVE THE BROWS it was super on fleek please oMG. After seeing how my brows were drawn made me realize that I super suck at drawing my own eyebrows.. TIME TO STEP MY BROW GAME UP!!!!

Here's a selfie cause.. when you had a professional makeup artist doing your makeup, of course must take LOADS OF SELFIES RIGHT?? 

When I came home my mom said that the brows were very nice and she made me take a lot of selfies. LOL. 

Okay gonna end this post with a snapchat vid of bestie playing one of the games (Asked her to cause I didn't want to be the only one doing all the stuff LOL) Girl if you're seeing this don't get mad, can't really see you in the vid anyway!~ ^^

God Bless! <3

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