Happy Blessed Chinese New Year!

by - 13:34:00

((gifs not mine))

恭喜发财 everyone!

It's been long since I've updated and I kinda blame school work for it. My life has practically been filled with submissions, projects and assignments. I'm glad to say that I'm done with what we call "Hell Week."

"Hell Week" is the week where all project submissions and presentations are due. Thank God I've managed to survive hell week.

Now I'm writing this on the eve of CNY! So glad there's 4 days of break!

I'm sure everyone is looking forward for Chinese New Year. Yup, I mentioned everyone. I mean come on, all the Malays and Indians also got holiday mah.. right? I know for students, it is a holiday but not too sure about adults.. hmm..

Anyway, but for us Chinese, we sure is looking forward right! Besides the holiday, ang pow come liao! I mean for us single people lah. If you're married than too bad need give ang pow. But hey, at least you got someone who's willing to marry you.

Oh and not to mention the CNY goodies. Oh boy, time to get fat.. Okay lah, I'm not really going to over eat all the cookies ((cause I really cannot put on weight since I still need to lose this small layer of fat under my chin..)).

But I know some young people feel kind of sian right, since you'll be seeing relatives whom you only see once a year ((on CNY only LMAO)) and then those annoying aunties who always like to gossip will ask you whether you getting married, how's your studies, can get into top uni anot etc.

Thank God I never really encounter a lot of relatives that are like that.. But if you have, then good luck lol.

Done with 2 reunion dinners over the past 2 days and now am all geared up for tomorrow to go and 拜年. Not to mention, I think I gotta use the 2 days of CNY to do some school work. #lifeofastudenthereinsingapore

Alright ending this short post with a selfie that I took on Friday :)

Happy Blessed CNY~ 

God Bless <3

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