BRIT TRAVELS | Winter Seouland 2017

by - 15:52:00

Happy Belated 2018 everyone! As you can tell from the title, I went back to Korea for another holiday last december! Spend the last week of 2017 in Seoul with my family and we had another awesome time with loads of shopping~ Get ready for a super duper long post below..

Just like our past trips to Seoul, we transited again. But, instead of transiting to Hong Kong, we transited to Taiwan, Taoyuan International Airport. It was a first for us because we have never been to Taiwan before. Even though it was just the airport still, it was a new country to visit. 

Our flight was a late morning flight and it was a 4 hour plus flight from SG to Taoyuan! Oh before I forget, we decided to get SIM cards this time instead of a Wifi Router. Reason being was because having a router was a bit troublesome since we have to always charge it and the battery could run out fast. Worrying about our phone battery was enough lol. 

The SIM Card that we got was from Starhub. It was the Happy Prepaid SIM specially for travellers. As you can see, we got the $32 one. One thing I loved about this SIM is that it is especially useful if you are going to more than one country. As long as you are going to a country whose network are partnered up with Starhub, you'll be instantly connected. 

This meant that when we landed in Taiwan, we were instantly connected to their local network and this meant 4G and internet access! No need to worry about free wifi problems.. Of course, it worked the same when we reached our final destination, Seoul. 

The only downside I have with this SIM card is that when we went to the airport to collect it after reserving online, some counters were out of stock. Yes, even though we reserved it online. So we had to run here and there to different counters to collect it. It was kind of troublesome tsk. 

But, ultimately, this SIM card was very useful! Plus, you can also use the $32 credit to add on more data if you like. For a 8 days trip, the data lasted well for me. Mind you, I am an avid user of social media so it was really impressive how the data could last. 

of course must take nice cloud photos right

This was a few minutes before landing at Taoyuan. 

Was kinda fascinated because I have never been to Taiwan before.. If I'm not wrong, it should be Taichung in this picture..

being too touristy already lmao

sneaking in a little selfie, taken while waiting for our next flight to Seoul
There was nothing much to do at Taoyuan International Airport tbh, all we did was just walked around, eat some stuff and just waited. We landed at about 3 plus in the afternoon SGT and our next flight wasn't until 6pm so we really had nothing to do. 

My body was so tired I don't know why, I was having a headache even though it was just four hour flight lol. But normally being in planes would make me extra tired because of the pressure in the air and stuff. 

Anyway, I spend the next two hour plus napping again. I was knocked out. 

my very bad quality picture but yay! Incheon International Airport! Happy to be back!

After being in immigration and trying to contact our klook driver, we were finally out of the airport by 11pm.

The cold air and wind woke me up the moment I stepped out of the airport. But I wasn't really excited or anything because I was so tired. Like, all I wanted was to shower and sleep. 

By the time we reached the hotel it was 12 midnight (it was Christmas!). Ah, I didn't get a picture of the hotel that we stayed at because I was just too tired but it was in Myeongdong, Hotel Skypark III

I didn't get a picture of our room as well, it was small but super cozy. Good thing was that each of us got a bed to ourselves yay. It was a small hotel but we really love it because of the facilities and services. They had shuttle buses to places like Seoul Station and Dongdaemun! My parents love the washing machine and dryers at the hotel basement. It was their favorite facility lol. 

After a whole night of sleep, we woke up feeling refreshed and ready to spend Christmas in Seoul! Plus, I was also ready to look presentable and nice after a day of being just tired. 

Because it was Christmas, we knew that everywhere we go, it'll be super crowded. Especially the subways. So, we decided not to go anywhere and just stayed in Myeongdong. Good chance to do shopping heh. 

First stop was of course Namdaemun Market. Cause the old folks love the place. A place for cheap stuff and delicious food! 

forced my bro to take a "candid" pic of me lmao 

We headed into a small shop to fill our tummies first! It was a cozy noodle soup restaurant with friendly ajummahs. 

Beef Noodles

jun ji hyun so preets omg 

The streets were more crowded than usual since it was holiday. Oh and filled with lots of couples, like a lot of couples wearing couple winter jackets. Guess it's a trend..

it was freezing cold like super duper freezing 

We then walked back to Myeongdong in the late afternoon! Started browsing for makeup and albums lol. 

Myeongdong at night

bought gimbab from family mart! delish as always
Oh did I mention, our hotel next door has a Family Mart and Paris Baguette! Super convenient for us to get snacks and hot drinks. 

famous egg bbang! (egg bread)
Budaejjigae from Nolboo Seoul @ Myeongdong 

I introduced my parents to army stew! It was their first time trying. Army stew is a must try especially during winter time. Damn shiok and legit kept our body warm. It wasn't as spicy as I thought it would be, so it was perfect for my taste buds. Googled for any good army stew in Myeongdong when we were deciding for dinner and I found an article written by ladyironchef about this shop. Didn't disappoint! 

Uhm.. as you can see, I didn't hold back when it comes to shopping for Etude House products in Korea.. Half of it are the products that I bought whereas the other half are samples!! They super generous! I love!! 

Bought it from a album shop in Myeongdong Station
Price: less than 20 bucks!! + comes with a free poster!

Hehe, got my first ever BTS album too! Though I've been a fan since their Boys In Luv era, but I didn't get the chance to buy their album until now. Oh and the LOVEYOURSELF album is so aesthetic and visually pleasing <3

must add selfie here lor
Throughout the whole trip I was learning how the girls here do their makeup on a daily basis, turns out most of them love peachy eyeshadows and red tinted lips!

Started our day with hot lattes from Paris Baguette
before setting off to Seoul Station

First thing we went to was Lotte Mart. We took our hotel shuttle bus to Seoul Station, where Lotte Mart is. 


We had our breakfast at the food court. My omurice cost about 5 to 6 bucks. It was in a large portion and I almost couldn't finish it. After a full breakfast we started our shopping. Or more like, my mom was excited to start her shopping. 

me trying to "pose" with a few stuff toys 
Me and my bro went up to the other floors to explore. We found the toys section and I forced him to help me take a Instagram picture. LOL. 

We spend like the entire day at Lotte Mart until me and my bro decided to go back ourselves to the hotel first because we were literally dying lol. Managed to take a cab back and rested our poor feet!

Headed out for dinner again nearby. In case you're wondering why we always had dinner at Myeongdong and not further out is because it's winter and it's super cold at night. Like to the point where it could be -10 or something. So we don't wanna stay out in the freezing cold weather for long. 

Ginseng Chicken Soup 

Potato stew with ribs
Egg Rolls
Our dinner is at this famous potato stew restaurant in Myeongdong. I can't remember the name but I think you could google it and it should pop up. We had to wait for about 10 mins before getting a table. I ate mostly the chicken soup. 

Before this trip, my dad suggested going back to Lotte World again and also because my mom wants to catch the Christmas parade. So thankfully Changi Recommends was having a promotion for Lotte world tickets and we got it for half the price per pax! yay~

Santa Claus blended in with a Christmas Tree? That you do not see everyday lol

Fake snowfall but still it's cool LOL

The Christmas atmosphere was all around Lotte World and the parade was adorable as well. Fake snow came down at the end of it. LOL. But it was visually pleasing and insta-worthy. 

After having fun at Lotte World (which actually no, queues were freaking long and there were so many people so nope not fun), we tabao back a must eat meal in Korea - jjajangmyeon!! Thank God, there was a jjajangmyeon restaurant opposite our hotel. 

We rested in the room for another few hours before heading out again.. this time, to Dongdaemun! Yup and this means.. MORE SHOPPING??? Took our hotel shuttle bus to DDM at about 9pm, I was half dead alr but then I was kinda excited cause I wanna buy more makeup products lol. 

Lend me your shoulder for a while Mr James~
Christmas feels at DDM

Doota Mall @ DDM

We spend like two hours there and went back to the hotel at about 12 plus! Totally dead beat after returning.. ZzzZZzz

Made our way to Hongdae for lunch! Woke up late from the late night shopping at DDM lol. 

Baeknyeon Ginseng Chicken Soup

Went back to this well known ginseng chicken soup restaurant that we always go to whenever we are in Korea. 

The restaurant have a few different types of samgyetang for you to choose from but I still prefer the normal one. 

show you my face again cause makeup nice nice heh

Proceeded to find desert to eat so that means... BINGSU! I know what you're thinking, bingsu in this cold weather? YES, why NOT?? 

Mango Bingsu, Strawberry Milk Latte & the other bingsu which i forgot the name.. lol
Had our bingsu at the famous bingsu place - Sulbing!

family photo! 

Me and my bro decided to head out for an adventure of our own because the old folks wanted to go somewhere else on their own. 

Forced my bro (again) to go to Gangnam with me cause I wanna visit the K-Star Road! 

Gangnam Station exit #2

I was kinda on a quest which is why I needed to visit the k-star road.. Well.. I was kinda looking for..

THAT'S RIGHT! BTS! THE BTS DOL! As you can tell lol, I was super happy HAHAHAH. My bro was super embarrassed when I asked him to help me take a picture cause there were people walking pass. But I was too caught up with the dol that I didn't care. 

We walked further down and into a lane and found JYP Entertainment! There were a couple of fangirls waiting outside IN THE COLD LIKE DEDICATION MAN and some people with like the super long paparazzi camera lol. Sadly, no stars came out :(

My T-Money card! 
We then took a subway to Ehwa Women's Uni to look see look see and see if there's any shopping to do. 

Ehwa Women University 
The campus was a freaking castle. Like. So huge. And grand sia.

Came back to Myeongdong and tabao some street food back to our hotel! LOOK AT THAT STEAK BEING COOK. It was delish by the way. Awesome.

Woke up in time for breakfast at our favorite porridge shop managed by two super caring and kind ajjumahs! The first time we visited their shop was in 2016, and so we went back again because their porridge was really nice. 

Pumpkin Porridge
The unique thing about their shop is their side dishes! Have you ever had 12 side dishes before?

The awesome thing is that it's free refill! SUPER AWESOME AND DELISH. AND AND AND, the ajjumahs are really so kind! After you finish your meal, they'll give you a free can drink, either juice or tea! They are just so caring and nice. 

I forgot the shop name, but all I remember was that it is quite near our hotel. Nearest subway station is Myeongdong Station, exit #9, once you get out, turn right and walked all the way straight until you see the first alley. The shop is the first shop you see once you walked into the alley. 

After breakfast, we went back to Ehwa Women University again, this time with the old folks.

Mandatory family picture lol

Spotted a LINE Friends shop at Ehwa and immediately ran in! LOL.

Hi James, we meet again~
So colorful and cute!!! But price wise... erm.. 
We ended our final night in Seoul with mandatory k-bbq of course! 

Samgyeopsal and beef~

We said bye bye to Seoul and hello to Taiwan! Spend one night and also the final night of 2017 in Taoyuan. 

Streets of Taoyuan 
We had no time to go to Taipei, so we only remained in Taoyuan. It was less city-like unlike Taipei.. reminded me of the streets in JB.. 

Night Market in Taoyuan 

Spend our evening time walking around the night market.. while I was almost freezing.. I thought Taiwan would be less colder than Seoul so I wore only two layers, a turtle-neck and my leather jacket.. little did I know that I would still be frozen LOL. 

Bought lots of food and snacks to eat for dinner whilst walking around in the cold.. Thank God though, our hotel was just 10 minutes away from the market. 

Fancy cheese takoyaki anyone?

family selfie to celebrate the end of 2017

I couldn't stay up to countdown because I was super tired so I fell asleep before 12am. Plus, the next morning we woke up at 4am to catch our early morning flight back home. 

Alright! If you made it through here until the end, thank you! It was a fun holiday that God has blessed us with, truely without Him, this holiday would not have happened. I guess.. it's time to grind and work hard for 2018!

God Bless <3 

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