Insecurities about my tooth

by - 13:00:00

It's so weird writing about this topic. Normally I'm usually a very bubbly person I guess..? It would seem to people that I'm usually happy about how I look and stuff, but I would say I am not 100% satisfied with how I look. Don't worry, lol, I am not gonna be like "oh I'm too fat, ugh" or "ugh, my nose is too flat and big". I'm satisfied with my body and my face lol. The only thing I feel insecure about is my teeth.
Yep, you heard me, my teeth. Okay, more like a tooth. Now you guys are probably be like "wtf is she talking about." If you guys go through my instagram posts (my selfies especially), you'd realised I have never ever open my mouth when posing for the camera lmao. Also, whenever I laugh, I would always cover my mouth.
It is because I'm feeling insecure about a tooth. In my upper set of teeth, I have a abnormally long tooth just next to my right front teeth. It is like longer than the rest of my teeth. So, whenever I open my mouth, I look like a hippopotamus. =.=
In the future I definitely want to do something to that tooth, hopefully there would be a solution for me. Thought trimming it could be the solution, but the dentist said that there's nerves inside the tooth, so it'd damage it. Sigh.
So for now, I am trying to "embrace" this tooth, sigh. But to be honest, I am more concious whenever I open my mouth, be it to talk or laugh or eat. I am not really the type of person to be like easily influenced by pretty models everywhere and would want to be like them, but really, it sucks seeing how people has a nice set of teeth than you.
I guess until the day comes where that tooth is no longer too long, I would be feeling insecure about it on the inside. I probably won't show it, but it'd be there.

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